zoorin Administrateur
 Age: 49
Inscrit le: 19 Sep 2006 Messages: 3848 Localisation: Lyon, la ville des trois fleuves ...
Posté le: Jeu 21 Déc, 2006 20:44 PM Sujet du message: Des informations sur la civilisation D'Ni. |
A partir d'aujourd'hui, il y a plusieurs fois par jours dans un quartier de la cité, un cours d'initiation à la culture D'Ni par un ingénieur du CRD.
Evidemment, c'est en anglais. Jefftom a trouvé le texte d'un des premiers cours et l'a mi sur son site. Je le reprend ici.
ResEng T. Bailey: Shorah explorers! I am ResEng T. Bailey and I will be your guide today. Welcome to D'ni! I'm going to cover a few things to do and see while you are here. Please hold any questions you may have until after we are done.
A lot of people want to know what they should do or see first. Here are our suggestions: Explore the cavern, the city, the neighborhoods, the Books...new sights are around every corner. You'll find things everywhere. Some are modern - some are ancient. Don't be afraid to interact. Remember that the Ages of D'ni don't always work like you would think. You will have to figure out what they were thinking. Your Relto (the place where you started) is yours. No one else will come there unless invited. But there are plenty of people in the neighborhoods and the city. Hopefully, by meeting some of them, you can aid the restoration effort. The DRC will try to communicate to you via your KI, via their website (drcsite.org) and via personal interaction. There is a lot going on in this massive space, sometimes you just have to find it.
If you like history, a sumamry for each of the Kings that ruled over D'ni can be found in the hall off of the Palace Alcove. In those summaries, you will find references to numerous buildings and structures within the city. Some of the D'ni's major sites are located on Ae'Gura (The Island) including the Arch of Kerath, the Great Zero, and the Guild Hall. The DRC is working hard to open new areas and renovate old ones. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us and we'll help you as best we can.
The next part of the tour will cover more of the D'ni history. For those of you who would like to stay, great. If you'd rather begin exploring, feel free to go...we understand. We'll start with a quick history of the D'ni.
Most everything you will see is the result of a civilization known as the D'ni. The D'ni lived in this cavern for nearly 10,000 years ago after arriving here from another Age. About 200 years ago, a disgruntled citizen, using a lethal gas, tragically destroyed his people and their history. Ever since the gassing, the cavern, the Ages, abd the rest of the D'ni's creations have been practically empty save for a few lonely explorers. We don't have specific population numbers of the D'ni as they were fairly scattered, but estimates put them at about one million. The D'ni averaged 300-year life spans and fertility rates were very low. For a while, the D'ni were ruled by Kings and later in their history, by Five Lords, a High Council, and Council, spreading out the power among authority. Regardless, the most important aspect of the D'ni, and the real reason most people are here, was their Linking.
Now I will cover the basics of Linking. If you'd all follow me, I will lead you to the Linking Room.
If there is one word that sets apart the D'ni from all other civilizations, it is Linking. The D'ni called Linking "The Art" and The Art enabled them to connect with new Ages written in Books. The D'ni did not believe that they were actually creating those Ages but instead creating the Link to an already existing location. As a result, it was possible, in many instances, to uncover things that were not specifically written when the Book was created, to find the unexpected. Much of the D'ni culture was centered around Linking, including the Guild of Writers (who were trained to Write) the Guild of Ink-Makers and Maintainers (who tested every Age). Linking was the pride of the D'ni and ironically, considered by some, their downfall.
The D'ni Restoration Council, the DRC, is generally considered "in charge". The DRC was formed by Mr. Elias Zandi in 1997 ten years after the modern day discovery of the cavern. Mr. Zandi contacted a number of archaeologists he hoped would help him with the restoration effort. Eventually, there were five leaders: Dr. Watson led the council and Dr. Sutherland, Dr. Ikuro Kodama, Victor Laxman, and Michael Engberg were under him. In 2004, Dr. Watson left the DRC after the cavern's restoration was shut down due to funding. In 2006, a new source of funding was found. The DRC is happy to be back at the restoration effort.
In conclusion: The Guild of Greeters is made up of Explorers who are happy to help out with any problems you are having within the worlds of URU. They are very friendly and always willing to help. The Guild of Greeters can be found in their neighborhood, which is public and can be accessed via the Nexus. Stop by anytime if you would like to speak with them.
If you find yourself stuck somewhere (not stuck in a puzzle, but stuck in a wall) or if you find that you are having a problem with another player, please fell free to contact us. Open the options menu by clicking on the Tools icon located on the scrolling task bar at the bottom of your screen. Click on the Support button icon at the bottom of the menu and then select the method you would like to contact us. Please don't contact me or other ResEng's if you need help solving puzzles, we will not be able to help you.
If you have any questions (ones that I may have missed) please feel free to ask them now. And feel free to slip a note in about how awesome my orientation was. _________________ Je veux qu'ils modélisent Riven, avec la bande son originale !
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