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Offline KI 3.0

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Inscrit le: 27 Juil 2009
Messages: 12

MessagePosté le: Mar 10 Nov, 2009 19:38 PM    Sujet du message:

Offline KI 3.0

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The Offline KI brings the KI and other changes you are used to from UU and MOUL to your offline game. It allows you to reach the MOUL, Myst V, Crowthistle and fan ages: All of them are integrated into the existing environment. In addition, it lets you to create and play marker missions and run KI commands.

The new major release 3.0 of my Offline KI is available for download now. For more information about how to get it and what to do with it, you can visit . The changes of this release are as follows:

- The Offline KI now supports being used on Alcugs Shards and brings a lot of multiplayer fixes written by various people (see /info). However, only Shard Admins can use the full feature set online.
- When Flymode is enabled, the num-pad key "-" can be used to move the avatar up, and "+" moves it down (the first is located above the latter)
- Added SDL options for the tickers and the Myst V books in the city (thanks a lot to Agenotfound!). There are also new /set options for these: "/set tickers 0|1" and "/set mystvbooks 0|1".
- "/set guildhall 0|1" now also enables/disables the guild hall accident (thanks to Agenotfound and Dustin)
- Added /set option for the ticker in the hood - Agenotfound fixed the issue of it not being properly disabled
- New developer commands: /getchron to read a chronicle value, /getversion to check the KI version of another player, /about to get some information about an object and /name to change your avatar name
- Replaced "/getlibrarybooks" by "/set librarybooks 0|1", the option is now permanently saved in SDL vars (so that the books are still there when you come back). In addition, the textures of Ahnonay and Er'cana linking book are fixed in the city and the Er'cana linking book works (thanks to Agenotfound).
- Added KI command /kiusage to show you how many pictures, notes and so on you already used up
- The new command /checkaccess shows your current access level
- /toggleoffline can hide the fact that you are online for other players (this is one of the commands only available for admins)
- The /ping command can be used to check whether you or someone else is still online
- Thanks to Dustin, Relto's custom book covers load much faster now and take less memory, as do the custom linking images in Nexus
- The heek table no longer looks broken - thanks to Dustin and Agenotfound (it still can not be used though). Use "/set heek" to control it: 0 = no heek table; 1 = heek table looks correct, but is disabled; 2 = heek table looks correct and is enabled; 3 = heek table looks broken
- Added a patch by Dustin which fixes multiplayer issues in Ahnonay Sphere 1
- "/link" is now case-insensitive
- "/updateshelf silence" is now permanent, you have to type "/updateshelf remind" to enable the reminder again
- "/hideki" now also hides the cursor (until you move it again...)
- Re-organized pak file structure
- Fixed crash when entering the wall area in Gahreesen (this does NOT make the wall itself functional!)
- Fixed multiplayer issue in Phil's Relto (thanks to D'Lanor)
- Fixed multiplayer issue with the "patience puzzle" in Watcher's Sanctuary
- Another attempt to fix the city barrier

Thanks a lot also to my beta-testers Agenotfoundand, Dustin, Nanouk and Old Wolle!

If you already have previous versions of the MOUL files installed, you have to re-convert the files using Drizzle 22 to prevent compatibility problems.

If you are an age writer and want to create a cover for your book or a linking picture for your age, please read the technical documentation for further information.

I hope you enjoy it, please let me know if there are any problems (though it is also always nice to hear things are working properly :) )

I would appreciate if someone could translate this for the French sections :)
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Age: 59

Inscrit le: 21 Juil 2007
Messages: 1582
Localisation: Fonsorbes a une page de Toulouse

MessagePosté le: Mer 11 Nov, 2009 10:00 AM    Sujet du message:

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Thanks Diafero, I'm working on the translation;).

See you soon.
Alatan=900051 (Mystpedia) - Gbadji=135356 (EdenGira)

.Yim shehm gorvehn tomeht pahm t'regahlpo
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