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Rand Miller dans la caverne

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Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2010
Messages: 2353

MessagePosté le: Dim 28 Mar, 2010 18:00 PM    Sujet du message:

Rand Miller dans la caverne

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C'est tout chaud, on vient de rencontrer Rand Miller en personne dans le Greeter Bevin.
il y avait un de ces peuples, j'ai cru que le serveur allait tomber à nouveau.

Rand a dit qu'il allait venir très régulièrement en fonction de son temps. C'est plutôt cool!

Voici une petite photo souvenir de sa rencontre.
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Age: 59

Inscrit le: 21 Juil 2007
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Localisation: Fonsorbes a une page de Toulouse

MessagePosté le: Dim 28 Mar, 2010 18:27 PM    Sujet du message:

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bonne nouvelle.

tu ne l'as pas invité à devenir membre du quartier ?
Ok je sors.

En tout cas je râle, je ne suis jamais là quand il se passe quelque chose dans la caverne moi.

Mais ça ne m'empêchera pas d'y retourner, donc je vous dis à bientôt, ici ou en bas. 1grdsourire
Alatan=900051 (Mystpedia) - Gbadji=135356 (EdenGira)

.Yim shehm gorvehn tomeht pahm t'regahlpo
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Maître des Âges

Age: 50

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MessagePosté le: Dim 28 Mar, 2010 19:37 PM    Sujet du message:

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je suis degouté je suis arrive trop tard .... mais il a dit qu'il reviendrai souvent ...

p.S. ... c'est fou ce que son avatar me fait penser a un certain Yann Carter ...
télechargez gratuitement l'Album de D'Marnah
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Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2010
Messages: 2353

MessagePosté le: Dim 28 Mar, 2010 20:18 PM    Sujet du message:

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turjad a écrit:

p.S. ... c'est fou ce que son avatar me fait penser a un certain Yann Carter ...

moi aussi!
quand je vous disait que je n'étais pas le Doc
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Age: 37

Inscrit le: 02 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Mougins

MessagePosté le: Dim 28 Mar, 2010 20:54 PM    Sujet du message:

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C'est vrai ça...

Je comprends maintenant pourquoi j'ai vu un jour le doc à poil courir dans le quartier.

D'ailleurs pourquoi il n'utilise plus son "vieux" avatar le p'tit Rand ? Celui des anciens lives...qui lui ressemblait comme deux goutes d'eau...
Là on dirait effectivement un avatar comme les nôtres...bizarre !

Il a peut être perdu ses identifiants ?? 1grdsourire 1haha
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Maître des Âges

Age: 50

Inscrit le: 31 Oct 2006
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Localisation: Lille

MessagePosté le: Lun 29 Mar, 2010 17:16 PM    Sujet du message:

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ou c'est pas Rand 1haha
télechargez gratuitement l'Album de D'Marnah
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Inscrit le: 22 Sep 2006
Messages: 1092
Localisation: Bretagne (France)

MessagePosté le: Lun 29 Mar, 2010 18:57 PM    Sujet du message:

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De Mémoire, il semble que les personnes du jeu dont Rand, n'avaient pas de livre du Relto sur eux mais j'ai un doute ??
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Age: 49

Inscrit le: 19 Sep 2006
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Localisation: Lyon, la ville des trois fleuves ...

MessagePosté le: Mer 31 Mar, 2010 07:58 AM    Sujet du message:

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Il n'a peut être pas pris la peine de réactiver les commandes pour justement ne pas avoir de livre de relto.

Chouette idée pur lui de passer. C'est toujours sympa de pouvoir parler à celui par qui toute cette folie à commencer.


Mais mais mais ...

Un revenant !!

Heureux de te revoir parmi nous Daniel-Pierre. 1grdsourire Tu as réussi à revoir tout ce qu'on a fait dans le mystpedia depuis deux trois mois ? ;)
Je veux qu'ils modélisent Riven, avec la bande son originale !

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Inscrit le: 22 Sep 2006
Messages: 1092
Localisation: Bretagne (France)

MessagePosté le: Mer 31 Mar, 2010 09:35 AM    Sujet du message:

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oui j'ai suivi en visiteur souvent
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Age: 36

Inscrit le: 19 Juin 2008
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Localisation: Région parisienne

MessagePosté le: Ven 16 Avr, 2010 07:42 AM    Sujet du message:

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J'avais pas vu le post avant :(

Mais c'est vrai que c'est chouette de voir l'homme par qui toute cette passion est née !!
En tout cas cela prouve qu'il n'a pas atrappé la grosse tête et qu'il reste proche des joueurs, c'est sympa (santé)
Ken reboogin tromets meh Riltagahmin.
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Inscrit le: 26 Mar 2010
Messages: 90

MessagePosté le: Lun 07 Juin, 2010 02:27 AM    Sujet du message:

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Rand Miller nous a rendu visite ce soir à Ae'gura.
Il était 20h40, heure de Montréal.

32 personnes étaient présentes pour le voir et lire ce qu'il avait à nous dire.

Voici quelques photos prises lors de cette rencontre.
Le 'chatlog' de la conversation suivra. Le tout est en anglais, bien sur.

Et voici le 'chatlog' à mon arrivée. Je n'ai perdu que le début, soit environ 2 minutes.

Andrew Eldred has a question.
sauron: oMG i'm your biggest fan
Andrew Eldred: Oooo pick me pick me!
Rand: I agree Sauron - but I'm biased.
Chris Sifniotis: Oh dear. xD
Fejj Notelrac: except for getting the sparkly in minkata which currently doesnt exist.............
sauron: Pick you for what?
Andrew Eldred: How's Riven for the iPhone going?
Mobius: Mouski, heh... there that's better
DimensionTravelerCalum: Shorah everyone
Rand: Riven for iPhone is going good - we're working on movies now. The conversion process is changing the gamma which is a pain.
Rand: For RAWA
Skydiver Megan: Hey Cal!
Skydiver Megan: :)
Andrew Eldred: Well good, as long as it's not a pain for you.
Andrew Eldred: Sounds cool!
sussaro: Wow wheres the fire!!
Mobius: Just recently revisted Riven... still holds up beautifully years later
Skydiver Megan: Cal you are inside my brother.
Skydiver Megan: Or.. you were.
Mouski: Rand, would it be possible to have RealRiven ? Is it makeable ?
Fejj Notelrac: you guys should make it so that we can visit all of myst in this game
sussaro: Err whos rand
Andrew Eldred: Oh hey Megan.
Andrew Eldred: You must have no idea what any of this is about.
Chris Sifniotis: D8
Rand: I would love realRiven, but I think we'll have to wait a while for that one
Andrew Eldred: I mean, you still haven't got off of Myst Island, right?
OHB is using URU BabelBot...
Nvr2old: Should be Rand Miller
Skydiver Megan: Andrew, don't be mean.
OHB: hey Rand :) nice to see you around :)
Rand: Hi OHB
DimensionTravelerCalum looks around for a bit
sussaro: Ahhhh, ok
Skydiver Megan leans left
Mobius: Rand... any tools updates for open source? particularly for later Max users?
Winterlude: Party! Where's the party with your age players at the tent function? :)
Rand: We're working on little things still. Thanks for hangin' in there everyone!
Winterlude: Or myst for vista? that'd make my decade
Winterlude: :)
Mouski: Any developments on the movie ?
Rand: Movie - we're working on Hollywood details with attorneys and stuff. We really want it to happen!
Winterlude: that'd be amazing
Mouski: great !
OHB cheers
Mobius: I think we all do!
Rand: But Hollywood is a different kind of place
DimensionTravelerCalum agrees
Mouski: Sure
Fejj Notelrac: awesomeness
Andrew Eldred: Any idea what production companies they're working through, Rand? I'm in LA right now looking for an internship--it'd be cool to look at one of the companies that's working on the Myst movie!
Chris Sifniotis: The track record for game based movies aren't too good, but I hope Myst would be.
Mobius: sauron... scoot left or right mate?
DimensionTravelerCalum: the Myst Movie is bassed off of a book, not a game
Chris Sifniotis: Oh, sod
Chris Sifniotis: That one
OHB: I hope they film it in the other LA. Shreveport, LA is the 3rd largest production city in the US :) (after LA/NY)
Mobius: ty, Sauron!
Rand: I don't want to say which company without the Mysteriacs - they're the ones pushing this through.
Megan Eldred: Shorah./
Fejj Notelrac: well, its a movie based off a game based off abook
Andrew Eldred: Fair enough.
DimensionTravelerCalum: it's based off of a book based off of a game, actually
Rand: Shreveport? Really? I used to fly out of Shreveport when I lived in east Texas.
Winterlude: thank you Rand for all your hard work. These games are great.
Chris Sifniotis: Okay, let's not get into that too much.
DimensionTravelerCalum: agreed.
OHB: yeah? I just moved to Shreveport earlier this year. Ever make it back down this way?
Winterlude: Ahead of their time...
Rand: Thank you guys for all the support.
Mobius: I personally think they should shhot the movie down here in Miami... just me tho
Mobius: *shoot
Nvr2old: Texas here DFW area
Rand: I think they should shoot the movie in New Zealand and invite me to hang out!
Mouski: We want to see CAVCON 5. We are still at 4, and it's been a while. Any news on that ?
sauron (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
Chris Sifniotis laughs
Andrew Eldred: Oh! Rand! Any chance we might get ebook versions of the books? Because I haven't read them...
OHB: ha!
Fejj Notelrac: definitely new zeland has awesome scenery
Mobius: But yeah Rand.. seriously after all these years of you and your team doing what you do.. thanks so much! we appreciate it!
OHB: and lots of extras...
DimensionTravelerCalum: lol New Zealand is a great place to film
Chris Sifniotis: I've been meaning to go there, butI need a passport first.
Chris Sifniotis: Here here
Rand: I think we've been so shorthanded that we're a little cautious about bumping to 5
Mobius: makes sense
Chris Sifniotis: Yea
OHB: does that mean that bumping it to 5 is /possible/ with the funds received?
Fejj Notelrac: lol ive never seen this many people in the city
Rand: ebooks of the books - we tried earlier but they're still in the publishers hands
Mouski: Thanks for this honest response.
Fejj Notelrac: all in one place
Nvr2old: Might get to test the max of 50 people
Andrew Eldred: Gotcha. Thanks anyway
DimensionTravelerCalum laughs
Mobius: well it's a Rand sighting.. and we all love Rand sightings
Chris Sifniotis: Rand has the force working for him. xD
DimensionTravelerCalum: if we get 50, i'll be amazed
Winterlude: lol
Winterlude laughs
sauron cheers
OHB wishes ohbot was here to count all the people for him
Andrew Eldred remembers when the 50 person max was hard -not- to hit.
Rand: I don't have the latests update but you guys have really been generous with donations. The hardest part is just that the cost is ongoing.
Mobius: then well all just keep donating
Winterlude: I can't imagine the cost. i appreciate playing for free. I'll paypal you!
Rand: Thanks Mobius. You guys are great!
Andrew Eldred: Rand, if it came to a point where donations were not covering the cost, would you give us a heads up before shutting off the servers?
Rand: and Winterlude!
Mobius: no problem.. it's what we do for what you do
Winterlude: You bet!
Rand: We will keep you guys aware of the situation! We're putting everything toward direct server expenses.
Mobius: Besides, no cavern would mean having to go... GASP.. outside and all... and seriously, who wants outside?
Andrew Eldred: Exactly, Mobius.
Rand: It's raining and windy outside - sometimes!
Chris Sifniotis laughs
Broooklyn: *laugh @ Mobius*
Fejj Notelrac: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT THE OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Chris Sifniotis: It's freezing here.
Mobius: exactly... or you get typhhons and hurricanes.. or people... and that's just not good for anyone
DimensionTravelerCalum: it's really hot in colorado right now.
Winterlude: Where are you? I'm dying of the heat in NYC! 90 all day!
Andrew Eldred: Oh, Rand! How about that Ki for iPhone idea... any chance that's happening soon?
Chris Sifniotis: When I look into the sun, my eyes begin to hurt. xD
To Karandara: Je prends le chatlog
Rand: It should be really hot in the cavern. The lake must do some kind of incredible cooling!
To Karandara: Je ne manquerai donc rien
From Karandara: ok
Fejj Notelrac: apparently it does
From Karandara: du debut?
Rand: Chris has D'ni blood!
OHB: City is @ 50 :)
DimensionTravelerCalum wonders if all those pellets have some sort of cooling agent in them...
To Karandara: depuis mon arrivee, oui.
From Karandara: oki
Nvr2old: It is all those pellets keeps the lake cool
From Karandara: moi un peu plus tard
Mobius: wow... a 50 City makes me fuzzy deep down
DimensionTravelerCalum: we've reached 50 then? wow.
To Karandara: Et quelques photos bien sur :-)
Ladydi2: excuse me for butting in may I ask who you are ? Are you "RAND MILLER" one of the brothers who started "MYST"?
Chris Sifniotis: That explains everything! xD
Rand: I'm one of them
DimensionTravelerCalum: he is Di,
Rand: :)
Megan Eldred: Haha, Ladydi.
Fejj Notelrac: yes he is
Mobius: that would be him, Ladydi2
OHB: hehe the one and only!
From Karandara: lol. il a change de look depuis la derniere fois que je l'ai vu
To Karandara: Oui
To Karandara: En effet
Werner shakes Rand's hand
Winterlude: yes, that's him!
Winterlude: :)
To Karandara: La derniere fois que je l'ai vu, c'est au GoG.
Winterlude cheers
SkydiverPeni claps her hands
Megan Eldred leans right
To Karandara: Il y a quelques semaines deja.
Rand: Nice to meet you Werner
Fejj Notelrac shakes rand's hand too
From Karandara: ok
Winterlude claps her hands
DimensionTravelerCalum salutes in greeting
Mobius: Werner, lol.. you jumped right into Rand snog spot... that's some confidence
Winterlude: Lol
Werner: Great to meet you, too!
OHB: Oh that reminds me...ask me about learning to farm quabs!
YogSo: LeaRN to FaM GolD FreEE
YogSo: P Just *****
Rand: I always thought quabs might be delicious!
sauron shake Rand's hand
Fejj Notelrac: quab farming? really?
Werner: How is the opensourcing coming along?
OHB: best in cerleal form. I love me a bowl of Quabios
Fejj Notelrac: sounds like fun
OHB: *cereal
sussaro: Awwww
Mobius laughs
Megan Eldred: Rand, is the Ki iPhone app coming out soon?
YogSo: This place is huge... and beautiful
Andrew Eldred 's sister does all his dirty work.
Winterlude: Lol
Megan Eldred: Haha.
DimensionTravelerCalum wonders how many quabs it would take to over fill the city...
Winterlude: She helped me too!
S'ilke: hi all
Rand: I could use a KI on my iPhone
Mobius: S'ilke!
Megan Eldred: We all could.
Megan Eldred: Well if we had an iPhone.
OHB: i could use an iPhone on my KI
Winterlude: me too! that's be great. Wouldn't mind hitting up a portal to get to work. Would cut down on subway fare.
DimensionTravelerCalum: if there was a KI app for the iphone, I'd buy one!
Megan Eldred: Haha, OHB.
Fejj Notelrac: lol
Werner: I could use a KiPhone...
Chris Sifniotis laughs
Winterlude: Lol
Mobius: niiice, Werner
sauron does a dance
Andrew Eldred could use a phone. Just in general.
DimensionTravelerCalum: (not that i'm in the position to buy anything with my own money currently, but the point still stands)
Mouski: Someone in the cavern renamed the KI. He calls it URUphone :-)
S'ilke: ouch, my toes
YogSo: Right now I could use a GPS... here are you, people?
S'ilke starts to laugh
Rand: I like that! URUphone
YogSo: *where
Rand: uPhone for short?
Mouski: Yep :-)
DimensionTravelerCalum: has a nice ring to it.
Winterlude: Any tips for myst on vista or some equivalent?
Werner: Thanks, Rand... I was just going to suggest that...
Fejj Notelrac: lol yes the uPhone
Werner roars with laughter
YogSo: Wow, weird blue scanning ray
DARSFoG: Hello all,
Rand: Ha DimTrav! That was nice!!!
Winterlude: I think i can get path of the shell for vista, but not myst :(
OHB almost expects Jobs to enter the cavern to screwm about lawsuits and stuff
Chris Sifniotis: XD
S'ilke: hi peni
Mobius: I thikn Steve Jobs could learn a thing or three for the KI
Mobius: *think
Andrew Eldred: Ooo, I want to see a Steve Jobs avatar.
OHB: *from
Mobius: LOL
Fejj Notelrac: lol
Andrew Eldred: Do we even have black turtlenecks in the wardrobe?
Winterlude: Lol
Chris Sifniotis: A big walking iPhone. xD
OHB: if you say that you'd see me attacking the steve jobs avatar
Winterlude laughs
Mobius laughs
Andrew Eldred: Ahh, that's what those bots are for, eh OHB?
OHB: no one gets a steve jobs avatar before ohbot gets a robot avatar!
Andrew Eldred: Your own personal army.
Fejj Notelrac: lol
Rand: I hate to cut things short, but I have to go to Sauron's Relto. Sauron?
Fejj Notelrac: can i have one?
Megan Eldred: Haha, OHB.
YogSo: I found the Jedi Council chamber... but they have no chairs icon_razz
Fejj Notelrac: LOL
Winterlude: Sweet. I'm jealous.
DimensionTravelerCalum: it was nice to see you again Rand,
OHB: no worries Rand. Catch ya later.
Andrew Eldred: Later, Rand!
DimensionTravelerCalum salutes
Chris Sifniotis: See ya next time
Megan Eldred: See ya, Rand!
Nvr2old: Thanks for taking the time to visit
Rand: Nice to see you all!
S'ilke waves goodbye
Mobius: Good times Rand.. best to you and yours!
Werner: Nice to see you!
Karandara waves goodbye
Mouski: we are 32 here by the way.
Winterlude: Great to meet you Rand! keep up the great work!
Fejj Notelrac salutes
Werner waves goodbye
Skydiver Anna waves goodbye
Mobius claps his hands
Mouski claps his hands
Broooklyn waves hello
Skydiver Anna: Bye thank for coming
Winterlude: Neat-o
Nvr2old: Poof
Winterlude: That was fun
Megan Eldred: So, Andrew?
21:08:03 ...Chat.log stopped.
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Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2010
Messages: 2353

MessagePosté le: Lun 07 Juin, 2010 04:57 AM    Sujet du message:

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y'a pas à dire, ça fait toujours quelque chose de le lire et de le voir à chaque fois qu'il vient à la caverne

Dernière édition par piboc le Mar 15 Juin, 2010 01:24 AM; édité 3 fois
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Lun 07 Juin, 2010 06:40 AM    Sujet du message:

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Oui, pour les présents :)

Peut-être s'est-il décidé à venir après avoir lu ce topic de samedi dernier au sujet de l'engagement qu'il avait pris ?
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Age: 49

Inscrit le: 19 Sep 2006
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Localisation: Lyon, la ville des trois fleuves ...

MessagePosté le: Lun 07 Juin, 2010 10:00 AM    Sujet du message:

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Peut être.

Si un anglophone pouvait juste traduire les quelques infos qu'il donne ? Je pense avoir vaguement compris mais ... enfin bon voila, mon niveau d'anglais étant ce qu'il est ... 1mmm
Je veux qu'ils modélisent Riven, avec la bande son originale !

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