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Prolongation - updates

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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Sam 23 Nov, 2013 07:09 AM    Sujet du message:

Prolongation - updates

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Cyan a écrit:
Project Update #29: Moving Forward!

Hello, Backers!

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a week since the Kickstarter campaign ended. We’ve been busy tying up loose ends and taking a deep breath as we plunge into the next phase of things. We wanted to give you an update on what’s been happening and what is coming up.

We’ve calculated the current Kickstarter and PayPal totals, and here are the numbers: Kickstarter - $1,267,728.14, PayPal - $31,356, for a grand total so far of $1,299,084.14. (The Kickstarter number is lower because of uncollected pledges - it’s possible that more will be collected.)
We’re extending the 1.7 million stretch goal until Feb 28, 2014! We’ll be counting any and all PayPal payments as adding toward that goal.
There will be five PayPal tiers ($25, $45, $75, $120, and $250) until Feb 28. The upper level of those tiers will continue to offer exclusive items available only during the campaign. We’re really not trying to diminish any Kickstarter exclusivity. We just felt like it was in everyone’s best interest to add to Obduction’s budget and make it bigger and better - and maybe even get to the next stretch goal.
We’ve been updating our web site as we migrate from the Kickstarter site. We’ve already done a rough move of the Kickstarter Obduction information page over to, and we’ll be continuing that process.
As we mentioned above, the current PayPal amount is at $31,356. We want to keep you informed of the progress, and we’ll be updating our PayPal page regularly, so you can watch the total continue to climb.
The Backer forums are coming soon! We’re nailing down the logistics to make sure that we easily allow in everyone who backed. The Backer forums will be the place to keep up with all the latest and greatest Obduction developments and stay in touch with other members of the growing Obduction community.

Thank you again for the wonderful support - both financial and psychological! We’re so excited about Obduction and having it supported by such a gracious group of people. Help us keep up the energy and momentum as we move through the development! This is gonna be fun!

Cyan, c'est cool. :)

Dernière édition par P'skhal le Dim 08 Déc, 2013 09:27 AM; édité 2 fois
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Maître des Âges

Age: 54

Inscrit le: 25 Sep 2006
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Localisation: Grenoble

MessagePosté le: Sam 23 Nov, 2013 07:40 AM    Sujet du message:

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Merci P'skhal !
Le montant récolté est inférieur aux prévisions escomptées, aux "pledges".
La bonne nouvelle, c'est que le délai de contribution au prochain stretch goal (1.7) est porté à février 2014 ! 1nickel
Je retiens également le lancement d'un nouveau forum Obduction (Backer's forums) 1ouais
L'éternité c'est long, surtout vers la fin (Woody Allen)
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Maître des Âges

Age: 105

Inscrit le: 14 Avr 2007
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Localisation: Vaucluse

MessagePosté le: Sam 23 Nov, 2013 11:36 AM    Sujet du message:

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Merci mon Cher Pskhal 1nickel
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Age: 37

Inscrit le: 02 Aoû 2007
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Localisation: Mougins

MessagePosté le: Sam 23 Nov, 2013 18:09 PM    Sujet du message:

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C'était sur qu'il y aurait eu des non solvables...

Mais bon, on est pas loin des 1 300 000 grâce aux dons paypal...donc ça ré-équilibre, ça va...
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Age: 69

Inscrit le: 19 Juil 2011
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Localisation: Ar Poulgwenn

MessagePosté le: Sam 23 Nov, 2013 19:58 PM    Sujet du message:

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En effet, il manque environ 916 $.
Une broutille, c'est moins que les impôts de je ne sais plus qui 1nanere !
L'éternité c'est très long, surtout vers la fin, mais comme on ne meurt qu'une fois on en profite longtemps!
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Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2010
Messages: 2353

MessagePosté le: Sam 23 Nov, 2013 20:33 PM    Sujet du message:

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Fandemyst a écrit:

Une broutille, c'est moins que les impôts de je ne sais plus qui 1nanere !

PFff! Rigolo plein de poils va!
N'empêche que l'avantage des impôts, c'est que tu peux demander une contribution KickStarter tous les ans! Plus régulier que les mises à jour de Cyan!

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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Dim 08 Déc, 2013 09:26 AM    Sujet du message:

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Cyan a écrit:
Project Update #30: Things Are Progressing!

Hello, everyone!

Wow, we've been very busy getting all our supporter information from Kickstarter and PayPal imported and organized. It's been a lot of work, but it's coming together. Here's where things stand:

We've just completed emailing receipts to all of our PayPal supporters. If you supported through PayPal, you should have received a receipt that shows what information we have. If you supported through PayPal and did NOT receive a receipt, please check your junk folder first. If it's not there, you can email us at (If you email us - please include the name and email address you used in your PayPal transaction.) If you have already replied to the email receipt with corrections, we'll be updating your information and sending you another confirmation soon to make sure we got it right.
If you're a Kickstarter backer, a Kickstarter survey will be coming soon! We'll be gathering lots of information that we'll use to stay in touch and fulfill your rewards when the time comes.
The current Kickstarter and PayPal totals: Kickstarter - $1,275,299.31, PayPal - $43,855.35, for a grand total so far of $1,319,154.66. (The Kickstarter number is lower because of uncollected pledges. Some supporters with uncollectable Kickstarter pledges switched their amount to PayPal.)
We're working on the Backer Forums. If you're a backer who wants access to the Backer forums, you'll need to have a Forum account - using the same email address that you used on Kickstarter or PayPal. If you've done that, then we'll be able to make the Backer's forum available to you soon. The Backer forums will be the place to keep up with all the latest and greatest Obduction developments and stay in touch with other members of the growing Obduction community.

Thanks again for the support! Things are progressing nicely!
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Lun 10 Fév, 2014 20:00 PM    Sujet du message:

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Cyan a écrit:
Project Update #31: Emerging From Our Sequestration!
Posted by Cyan, Inc.

Thanks for your patience. It may be frozen outside, but Obduction design and development have been heating up inside!
Cyan HQCyan HQ
Current Financials

PayPal funding keeps coming in, and we're actually getting closer to the next stretch goal. Here's where we're at: Kickstarter - $1,275,299.31, PayPal - $80,189.67, for a grand total (so far) of $1,355,488.98.

We're getting tantalizingly closer to that second stretch goal of 1.7 Million, and we still have 23 days left to make it happen. Like many of you, we're still hoping to make it a reality. Just to remind you, in the next stretch goal we expand the content from hub plus three worlds - to hub plus four! A whole new world to explore! And just as interesting, we also add Roadtrip Mode! For more information on the stretch goal, please check out our FAQ. We can do it, but only with your help.
Obduction Backer Forums

If you're a backer who wants access to the Backer forums, you'll need to have a Forum account - using the same email address that you used to support us on Kickstarter or PayPal. If you've done that, then you'll be ready to go when we "hit the switch." If you have any questions or issues you need addressed, please submit a ticket on our support site.

We've been working diligently on the Kickstarter survey. If you're a Kickstarter backer, a survey will be coming around the beginning of March. Since we can only send one survey through Kickstarter, we are checking and re-checking to make sure we don't miss anything.

For PayPal backers - if we need more info to fulfill your tier level, we will be getting in touch with you as well.
Obduction Work

Design & development work continues at a good pace. We'll have some more specific updates for you coming soon.
Karl Unreal Engine 4 R & DKarl Unreal Engine 4 R & D

Rand & Richard doing top secret design work.Rand & Richard doing top secret design work.

More updates are coming. We've got plenty of stuff to share. Thanks again for your support!

The Cyan Obduction Team
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Maître des Âges

Age: 105

Inscrit le: 14 Avr 2007
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Localisation: Vaucluse

MessagePosté le: Mar 11 Fév, 2014 10:50 AM    Sujet du message:

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merci pour l'info mon cher P'skhal 1mmm
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Sam 15 Fév, 2014 00:05 AM    Sujet du message:

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De rien ma très chère Soline. 1grdsourire

Les updates s'accélèrent, dirait-on :
Cyan a écrit:
Project Update #32: Hello Fellow, Future Obductees!

Obduction design, research, and development is going great! Hope you like the top secret photo we snuck out of the conference room. Don't look TOO closely - you might see spoilers! ;)
Backer's Forum

We have officially opened the Backer's forum! Log into your Forum account at Cyan. If you don't see the Backer's section under the Obduction heading please submit a ticket on our support site.
Keep Spreading the Word

We know there are still individuals who don't know about the Obduction project. We can still get the word out. Let your Twitter/Facebook/Google+/etc. friends know about the campaign by sharing something brilliant like...

Hey BFF - check out #Obduction – a new game from the creators of Myst & Riven @cyanworlds

And of course - please be sure to follow/like/+1/etc. us on Twitter/Facebook/Google+/etc. and share our posts with your friends! We also invite you to join our Obduction Thunderclap!

Look at what friend/ fan Drew Van Camp is doing: Obduction fundraising support Thanks Drew!
Register for Mysterium

And finally, we're getting very excited about an event happening this summer. The annual Myst fan gathering, Mysterium, will be held here in Spokane, WA this year. The dates are August 1st-3rd, and Saturday's activities will include some fun stuff at the Cyan headquarters! There'll be some exciting news, sneak peeks, and, of course, up close and personal briefings on the latest Obduction developments. You don't want to miss this one! You can find more information for the event at:

The Mysterium committee has graciously created a special discount code for Obduction Kickstarter/Paypal backers: use the coupon code SPACEPINECONES for $5 off the Standard Weekend Badge price of $25.00.

Oh, btw, Atrus sends his love...
Happy Valentines Day!Happy Valentines Day!

(Artwork by Manny Trembley. Please check out his new Kickstarter project: Under Where?)
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Sam 22 Fév, 2014 17:36 PM    Sujet du message:

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Cyan a écrit:
Project Update #33

Backer Forums, Strata Design 3D, and more... (For Backers Only)
Only 7 Days left to help fund Obduction via PayPal!

Current Financials

Here's where we're at: Kickstarter - $1,275,299.31, PayPal - $92,469.17 for a grand total (so far) of 1,367,768.48. The PayPal campaign will continue until midnight on February 28th PST. This is your last chance to donate and receive the rewards offered in the funding campaign!

Share ( with all your friends.

Backer's Forum

Just another reminder, we have officially opened the Backer's forum! Log into your Forum account ( at Cyan. If you don't see the Backer's section under the Obduction heading please submit a ticket on our support site (

Become the Strata 3D Artist

Strata has emailed backers regarding the fulfillment of the *Strata Design 3D CX*. If you are backer at this level or higher and did NOT receive the email please submit a ticket on our support site (

Have fun becoming the artist with Strata Design 3D CX!

Spam settings

To make sure we've got a line of communication, please make sure you adjust your spam settings so you can receive emails from Thanks!


Oh, and happy Birthday Karl!
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Sam 12 Avr, 2014 07:39 AM    Sujet du message:

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Cyan a écrit:
Project Update #34

Survey says...

All surveys should be mailed within the next week. If you donated via PayPal, you should also receive a separate survey sometime in the next few days.

Linux support

Epic has announced that the Unreal 4 engine will have Linux support. We would love to support Linux and we are currently evaluating what it means for the scope and cost of development.

Register for Mysterium

The annual Myst fan gathering, Mysterium, will be held here in Spokane, Washington this year. The dates are August 1st-3rd, and Saturday's activities will include some fun stuff at the Cyan headquarters! There will be some exciting news, sneak peeks, and, of course, up close and personal briefings on the latest Obduction developments. You don't want to miss this one! You can find more information for the event at:

The Mysterium committee has graciously created a special discount code for Obduction Kickstarter/Paypal backers: use the coupon code SPACEPINECONES for $5 off the Standard Weekend Badge price of $25.00.

Backers' Forum

Head on over to the Backers' forum! Log into your Forum account at Cyan. We've added additional information and images only for the backers If you don't see the Backers' section under the Obduction heading please submit a ticket on our support site.


Helping a friend

Rand's good friend Tom has a Kickstarter going for his amazing strategic card game *Kingdoms In Peril.* Check it out!

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Age: 37

Inscrit le: 02 Aoû 2007
Messages: 3088
Localisation: Mougins

MessagePosté le: Mar 15 Avr, 2014 08:56 AM    Sujet du message:

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Ca y est j'ai reçu le "survey" !!

Avec leurs questions (qui partent un peu dans tous les sens), c'était aussi casse tête que la déclaration d'impôts !! ailleuu

Premier addon, deuxième addon.
Id Paypal obligatoire, alors qu'on n'est pas forcément passé par Paypal...
Bien vérifier que l'adresse e-mail est la bonne qui donne un accès au forum caché des backers........ pfffffui.

M'enfin une bonne chose de faite ! 1haha
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Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2010
Messages: 2353

MessagePosté le: Mar 15 Avr, 2014 10:14 AM    Sujet du message:

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J'ai eu aussi le Survey cette nuit. J'ai pas encore rempli, tout simplement parce que ta déclaration d'impôts me fait peur!

Une chose est certaine, vous aurez du RoonSehv avant de l'Obduction!...
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Dim 20 Avr, 2014 07:22 AM    Sujet du message:

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piboc a écrit:
Une chose est certaine, vous aurez du RoonSehv avant de l'Obduction!...
1hum C'est la course, alors :
Kickstarter a écrit:
Project: Obduction by Cyan, Inc.
Reward: Gimme the Game ============================= You'll receive a digital download of Obduction for your computer (Windows or MacOS) along with a digital manual. Plus, you'll get access to special backers-only Obduction forums where you can share & speculate about the game and interact with the development team. You'll be listed in the "Backers" section in the game credits and on the official website. Additionally, you'll receive digital hi-res concept art painted by award-winning artist Stephan Martiniere.
Estimated delivery: Oct 2015

N'empêche que :
P'skhal a écrit:
COMPUTER OS. Please tell us what your primary computer OS?
Y zont intérêt à s'bouger l'**, maint'ant 1haha
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Age: 45

Inscrit le: 15 Mar 2010
Messages: 290
Localisation: Canada

MessagePosté le: Mer 23 Avr, 2014 05:05 AM    Sujet du message:

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Bon bon bon...les garçons... "c'est aussi compliqué qu'une déclaration d'impôts" rire

J'ai remplis ma fiche et ça m'a pris... 2 mins

La question la plus difficile est la première mais vous avez la réponse en courriel "PXXXX" si vous avez contribué par Paypal ou "KXXXX" si c'est par Kickstarter.

@Piboc: tu t'en sortiras indemne de cette aventure, je te le garantis --> hambulance 1haha
Annabelle (KI #47907), La belle Anna (KI #50389)
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Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2010
Messages: 2353

MessagePosté le: Mer 23 Avr, 2014 05:53 AM    Sujet du message:

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Annabelle a écrit:
Bon bon bon...les garçons... "c'est aussi compliqué qu'une déclaration d'impôts" rire

J'ai remplis ma fiche et ça m'a pris... 2 mins

La question la plus difficile est la première mais vous avez la réponse en courriel "PXXXX" si vous avez contribué par Paypal ou "KXXXX" si c'est par Kickstarter.

@Piboc: tu t'en sortiras indemne de cette aventure, je te le garantis --> hambulance 1haha

Le problème, c'est que mon courriel n'avait ni PXXXX, ni KXXXX. Y'avait bien un code mais il ne commençait pas par une lettre. De quoi y passer plus de 2mn!

Et puis tu vas voir que tu vas y passer plus de temps que tu crois. Faut déclarer les impots d'Annabelle, puis les impots de la Belle Anna, puis les impots d'Anna, puis les impots d'Annabella, puis les impots de...
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Age: 37

Inscrit le: 02 Aoû 2007
Messages: 3088
Localisation: Mougins

MessagePosté le: Mar 06 Mai, 2014 21:55 PM    Sujet du message:

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Des news !

Une vidéo de Rand (et de ses cheveux blancs 1ouais)


Cyan a écrit:

Yay! All surveys have been mailed. You have until May 17th to finish them and confirm your rewards. If you have any questions, please submit a ticket on our support site:

Obduction Backer's Calendar
Communication is key in any successful relationship, so we want to set expectations correctly and plan for success with our Backers. Please check out the new Obduction Backer's Calendar. Items will be added to this as we continue to work on Obduction.
Thank you, Lars Simkins, from the Frontiers Kickstarter for this idea.

Backers' Forum
Head on over to the Backers' forum! Log into your Forum account at Cyan. We've added additional information and images only for the backers. If you don't see the Backers' section under the Obduction heading, please submit a ticket on our support site:

Register for Mysterium
The annual Myst fan gathering Mysterium will be held here in Spokane, Washington this year, and with so many exciting things going on, we’re really excited about it! The dates are August 1st-3rd, and Saturday's activities will include some fun stuff right here at the Cyan headquarters! There will be some exciting news, sneak peeks, and, of course, up close and personal briefings on the latest Obduction developments. You don't want to miss this one! You can find more information about the event at: The Mysterium committee has graciously created a special discount code for Obduction Kickstarter/Paypal backers: use the coupon code SPACEPINECONES for $5 off the Standard Weekend Badge price of $25.00.

Kicking it forward
We love stories at Cyan. We really love stories we create. You might like creating stories, too. Check out Storium, the online storytelling game Kickstarter. They have 50 hours left and are already successful.
While your at it make sure to check out Riddle of the Sphinx. Inspired by MYST, the creators decided to create an Egyptian adventure that would allow game players to freely explore — and more importantly — discover all the of the secret chambers, tomb robber traps, and hidden treasure in the Great Pyramid and Giza Sphinx.
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Age: 37

Inscrit le: 02 Aoû 2007
Messages: 3088
Localisation: Mougins

MessagePosté le: Mar 23 Déc, 2014 21:56 PM    Sujet du message:

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Des nouvelles.
Cyan nous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes :

Et un nouveau site :

Cyan a écrit:

Season’s greetings to our fans, supporters, acquaintances, and enemies!
We’re ready to roll into a brand new year of Obduction development. We’ve made some exciting strides this year, including getting to a point where our “box world” version of Obduction is almost completely playable. And portions of our “box world” are actually showing signs of shape and texture. Creating this early, playable version has allowed us to already test and change quite a few of our design assumptions by sitting players down and seeing their actions and reactions. We’ve also increased our Obduction staff this year - but very slowly to make sure we’re using our funds efficiently.
If you haven’t seen it yet, don’t forget to check out the new web site. It’s the place to go to get the latest news, images, and updates. Look for a post from Eric Anderson in the next few weeks.
It’s been an exciting year at Cyan, beyond the buzz of Obduction. We released realMyst: Masterpiece Edition for Mac and Windows. It’s a beautiful product that provides the ultimate Myst exploration experience. And we’ll be pushing a substantial update out for realMyst: Masterpiece Edition after the first of the year - faster, prettier, stable-er, better! ☺
And news also hit this year about our relationship with Legendary. We’ve had some great meetings with some huge Myst fans who work with us at Legendary, and we’re hoping for some exciting things in the future. Stay tuned!
We managed to send out emails to all of our supporters (around 24,000). It’s a time consuming task making the changes you’ve asked for in the 700+ emails that we received - address changes, shipping adjustments, reward information, t-shirt sizes, etc. But we’re getting all of our database ducks in a row, so we can send out our Obduction t-shirts early next year. You’re gonna love ‘em!
Last, but not least, we’ve made a little Cyan holiday video (all about the bass) for your enjoyment. Thanks so much for your support this year. Happy holidays and a most wonderful new year to you and yours!
Peace on Earth!
The Cyan Team
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Sam 27 Aoû, 2016 18:35 PM    Sujet du message:

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Hé bien, ça fait un bon moment que je n'ai pas fait le suivi des mails. :(
Vous voudrez bien me pardonner, j'espère.

Mais tout le monde l'aura compris : seuls ceux de cette semaine sont intéressants. :)
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Sam 27 Aoû, 2016 18:43 PM    Sujet du message:

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Le plus important : celui de mercredi dernier 1haha

Cyan a écrit:
Project Update #67

Obduction is here!

We know it’s hard to believe — for us, too! We should have done an update in the last couple days to let you know all was well, but… well… we’ve been really, really busy.

So, here’s the scoop…

* You should be receiving an email from us today (actually one email for each copy of Obduction you signed up for). The email will direct you to the Humble Store, but don’t be confused. You will start at their site and then proceed to the location (Steam, GoG, or Humble) you chose to download the game.
* Your code(s) will get you access to a Windows / Mac version of Obduction. (Note: the Mac version is not available for sale yet — it is only available to Kickstarter Backers as an early release.)
* The VR (Rift) version of Obduction is coming soon. Sorry for the slight delay, but it needs a bit more optimizations and some UI polishing. The good news is that your code will also give you the full VR version. Everyone who gets the game will get the VR version. No questions asked, no hidden fees or handling charges. We don’t have an exact ship date for it, yet. We’ve got an update already underway that we’ll be testing as a possible candidate for VR release. We’ll keep you updated on the VR progress.
* Obduction is beautiful and complex. Remember that you'll want to find your preferred balance between the best looking graphics and the frame-rate. In the game you can hit the ESC key for the settings -- and adjust as necessary.
* There will be plenty of upcoming updates to fix all the nasty little things that crop up.

Other Rewards

Some of the other digital Backer rewards will also be part of your download if you’re eligible. Everybody gets a User Manual. Higher Backers get more goodies. (Physical Backer rewards will be coming later.)

Those of you who are eligible to get **Robyn Miller’s Obduction Sound Track (** will also receive it as part of their download. The tracks are high-quality versions of all of Robyn’s amazing Obduction music. If the soundtrack was not part of your reward tier, it’s available for purchase here (!

Launch Trailer

If you’re not worried about spoilers you can check out our Launch Trailer (! It definitely reveals a few things, but we needed something that teased a bit more for people who might be undecided. Feel free to pass the link on to friends and family who might be interested. **We could really use your help to spread the word!**

Thanks again for the wonderful support. It’s been a long haul - almost three years. Thanks for the patience and trust. We hope you enjoy your new worlds!

Well enough wasting your time. Refresh your email, and see if you have your download info yet!

**Oh, and take your time exploring - there’s no hurry! **

The Obduction Team

(And some of you may see the weird "*save*" word again at the bottom of this page - from Kickstarter...)


Depuis le temps qu'on l'attendait ... 1nickel
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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Sam 27 Aoû, 2016 18:46 PM    Sujet du message:

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Celui de jeudi pour une mise à jour :

Cyan a écrit:
Project Update #68

Post Launch Update!

Wow! All of the Backer codes went out yesterday. Reviews are coming in - and they're good! Yay! Here are a few quotes...

***“Obduction has seemingly delivered on all of its promise”*** – 4.5 of 5 (Attack of the Fanboy)

***“Obduction doesn’t just succeed; it triumphs”*** - (A.V. Club)

***“Obduction drags its heritage into the modern age with aplomb”***– 4 of 5 (PC World)

***“A beautiful, technically-composed game with an innovative premise that feels familiar yet completely alien.”*** – 9 of 10 (Destructoid)

And if you don't mind some spoilers you should check out the Launch Trailer...

And now we could really use your help! See, we used your money wisely - just about every penny went into make Obduction as good as we could. So now that we've released we don't really have any marketing money left over to get the word out. That's where you come in! Feel free to send/post/social-media-ize the Trailer link ( to anyone and everyone who might be interested. And the Obduction web site ( has all kinds of goodies that may convince people to give Obduction a try. Anything you can Facebook, Tweet, Instagram, email, text, (or other) would be greatly appreciated! ( #welcometohunrath or #obduction )

Oh, and if you haven't received your code to download Obduction please email us at .

We're working hard on fixes, patches, and updates. We have already updated once, and we'll be updating again today. And then hopefully another update within a few days. And another next week sometime. Phew! And stay tuned for more information on the VR release.

Thanks again from the entire Obduction team!

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Inscrit le: 10 Fév 2010
Messages: 1298
Localisation: Trantor, secteur de Streeling

MessagePosté le: Sam 27 Aoû, 2016 18:51 PM    Sujet du message:

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Et hier, pour ceuces qui, comme moi, n'ont pas reçu leur code 1grrr :

Cyan a écrit:
Missing Codes? (For Backers Only)

Hey everybody!

What an amazing Obduction response! Well... except for a few hitches which we'd like to address.

No Code Received?

There are a number of backers who haven't received codes yet. We've double checked all of our data, as far as we can tell, all of the emails were sent.

So here is are the first steps to take if you are codeless...

1. IMPORTANT: Find the latest Backer receipt email that you received from Cyan - from . It'll have your receipt attached that looks like this...

*(If you've never received anything like this, then we don't have your email address at all. Email us at .)*

2. Get the email address listed on that receipt (circled in red). This is the address that we sent your code to. *(If you can't receive email at that address then go to **Wrong Email Address** below.)*

3. Go to the **Humble Order Resender** ( ( ) and provide the email you got in Step 2 (circled in red) - click Resend my Order

4. You've got mail! You should receive an email with a link to claim **Obduction**.

5. Go to that Obduction claim page. Log in with your Humble account, or create an account if you don't have one. Now click the claim button, and the rewards should be linked to your Humble account.

6. Follow further instructions on the page to get Obduction from Steam or GoG.

7. Enjoy Obduction!

Wrong Email Address

If the email we have for you doesn't match your actual email (see above), then you're going to have to give us the right one. Get your **Backer ID** from the latest receipt we've sent (see above - circled in blue). Then click HERE ( to change your email address. (




Traduction : envoyez un mail avec les bonnes infos au bon endroit ... 1ouais

Mais j'ai l'impression que ça ne me servira pas à grand chose, à moins d'investir dans un CG de course. bennon
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Inscrit le: 11 Oct 2009
Messages: 70

MessagePosté le: Sam 27 Aoû, 2016 18:56 PM    Sujet du message:

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Récupère les code quand même, comme ça, le jour ou tu peux / doit changer de PC ;)

Si tu veux investir dans une CG, vérifie deux trucs :
- le type de port utilisé
- si ton alim va suivre
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Age: 69

Inscrit le: 19 Juil 2011
Messages: 350
Localisation: Ar Poulgwenn

MessagePosté le: Dim 28 Aoû, 2016 06:18 AM    Sujet du message:

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rien reçu depuis Project Update #63 1oh
L'éternité c'est très long, surtout vers la fin, mais comme on ne meurt qu'une fois on en profite longtemps!
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