(04/29 19:53:38) Chat.log started...
(04/29 19:53:45) From Dulcamara in Chiso Preniv: shorah Ondine
(04/29 19:54:18) To Dulcamara: Shorah Dulcamara
(04/29 19:54:21) From Mabe in Mabe's Gahreesen: shorah Ondine ;-)
(04/29 19:54:32) From Dulcamara in Chiso Preniv: hallo :-)
(04/29 19:54:45) To Buddies: Shorah mabe :-)
(04/29 19:56:03) ondine: Shorah everyone

(04/29 19:56:16) Graizur: Wow, there's quite a bit of east coast hate and exclusivity in the released of Elonin announcement.
(04/29 19:56:26) ametist' leans right
(04/29 19:56:27) Dulcamara leans left
(04/29 19:56:33) nita1: shorah Ondine
(04/29 19:56:46) philipgr: Shorah ametist
(04/29 19:56:46) ametist' leans left
(04/29 19:56:48) ondine leans right
(04/29 19:56:57) Graizur: There are three forms of time of release, D'ni KI time, PST and UST, but no Eawstern Standard time, like they;'re standing on their room screaming EAAARRRRN IIIIIIT!
(04/29 19:57:05) Dulcamara leans right
(04/29 19:57:07) ondine leans left
(04/29 19:57:21) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, all
(04/29 19:57:22) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(04/29 19:57:26) ametist': philigr, good to see you
(04/29 19:57:27) nita1 waves hello
(04/29 19:57:29) ondine leans left
(04/29 19:57:41) Graizur: 3pm Eastern Standard Time
(04/29 19:57:46) ondine leans right
(04/29 19:57:46) philipgr leans left
(04/29 19:58:14) philipgr: Shorah Kelsei
(04/29 19:58:26) nita1 leans right
(04/29 19:58:27) ondine leans left
(04/29 19:58:28) ametist': Shora kelsei
(04/29 19:58:30) Kelsei A.T. unpacks a camera from her backpack
(04/29 19:58:48) ondine: Shorah Kelsei
(04/29 19:58:51) philipgr: Good to see you too ametist
(04/29 19:58:51) Minasunda: shorah Kelsei
(04/29 19:58:51) Kelsei A.T.: don't mind me much, i'll just be recording the reveal
(04/29 19:58:56) nita1: shorah Roland
(04/29 19:59:07) ondine leans right
(04/29 19:59:08) Xavi leans left
(04/29 19:59:27) philipgr: 1956 South African time.
(04/29 19:59:30) Graizur: I haven't explored any of the puzzle ages because this is a massively multiplayer online game and if I can't make freinds here and play the game icommunially with othyer people who don't know the answer then what's the point?
(04/29 19:59:54) Cody Herd: hello all
(04/29 19:59:57) nita1: maybe make some friends hee
(04/29 20:00:03) nita1: here
(04/29 20:00:17) ondine leans right
(04/29 20:00:20) Cpt.Jericho: My god Chogon in online!
(04/29 20:00:27) Cody Herd: leanleft
(04/29 20:00:31) Graizur: I'd love to.
(04/29 20:00:34) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Cpt.Jericho
(04/29 20:00:55) Minasunda leans right
(04/29 20:00:57) ondine leans left
(04/29 20:00:57)
(04/29 20:00:59) philipgr: Shorah Cpt. Jericho
(04/29 20:01:16) Graizur: Apprently, though, it's vitally important to the simulation that I feel all alone and like no one understands me on a planet with 7. 7 billion people, in a city full of art schools in a country where every city has an art school.
(04/29 20:01:24) From Woolie in Woolie's Relto: Hi odine

(04/29 20:02:09) Graizur: Betraying me and making me feel lonely must be too delicious to resist because as soon as there is the slimmest opporunity for misunderstanding leadfing to conflict the bodies throw themselves into offense and ostrizization and scapoecoating with unreal vigor.
(04/29 20:02:27) Brigid: Dude, do you have to?
(04/29 20:02:35) Minasunda: shorah Chogon

(04/29 20:02:42) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, chogon
(04/29 20:02:43) Graizur: Would you like to be my friend long enough for me to believe that you're obligated to stick loyalty so you can betrtay and dissapoint me?
(04/29 20:02:52) nita1: shorah Chogon
(04/29 20:02:52) philipgr: Shorah Chogon
(04/29 20:02:52) Graizur: Apparently it's a lot of fun, :-P
(04/29 20:02:53) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Chogon!
(04/29 20:03:00) ondine: Shorah Chogon
(04/29 20:03:01) ametist': Shorah Chogon
(04/29 20:03:07) Cody Herd: sit
(04/29 20:03:08) nita1: yes
(04/29 20:03:08) Brigid: Shorah, Chogon
(04/29 20:03:17) Cody Herd: sit
(04/29 20:03:28) Graizur: halololurlosnorthguffaw
(04/29 20:03:29) Graizur: lol
(04/29 20:03:34) Kelsei A.T. waves hello
(04/29 20:03:40) ametist': There are a lot of space for more books in here
(04/29 20:03:45) Cody Herd: how do i sit myself
(04/29 20:03:53) Chogon: Need more books!
(04/29 20:03:56) Dulcamara: shorah Chogon
(04/29 20:04:03) Xavi: ctrl+7
(04/29 20:04:04) Kelsei A.T.: always more coming,
(04/29 20:04:06) Cpt.Jericho: type /sit or press ctrl 7
(04/29 20:04:06) philipgr: Plenty more books
(04/29 20:04:17) Graizur: Theo, I don't know if there's anything to do in a social situation besides silence and subvervience than being exuberant.
(04/29 20:04:19) Stephany: Need more books.
(04/29 20:04:21) Cody Herd: oh okay thank you
(04/29 20:04:23) Graizur: I'm exuberant.
(04/29 20:04:26) Graizur: Why don
(04/29 20:04:37) ametist': I am digging out Uncle Rebus' chest as best i can lol
(04/29 20:04:43) Graizur: Instead of trying to dissacociate into the hiearchy of sychophantic hive mind authoprity
(04/29 20:04:49) Graizur: why do n't you BE A PERSON?
(04/29 20:04:51) Graizur: Or don'
(04/29 20:05:00) Graizur: Or Don't be an individual
(04/29 20:05:14) ametist': I bet IwonK has some 'book-cookies' prepared!
(04/29 20:05:27) IwonK passes around fresh book cookies
(04/29 20:05:32) nita1: yummmm
(04/29 20:05:41) Chogon: Cookies!!!!!
(04/29 20:05:46) Graizur: I went from New York City to spoaknbe washington BEcause I Knew this MMO was not going to be able to sustain itself.
(04/29 20:05:47) philipgr thanks IwonK for her book cookies
(04/29 20:05:48) Stephany: LOL!
(04/29 20:05:50) Cody Herd: yuummm
(04/29 20:05:56) Graizur: 22 years ago.
(04/29 20:06:00) Graizur: I'm having fun.
(04/29 20:06:13) ametist': Always a treat at these occasions!
(04/29 20:06:22) Graizur: What are you having? Nothing? A Big Plate of Superiority and subservience?
(04/29 20:06:37) Graizur: We can't sit here and talk about video games?
(04/29 20:07:00) Graizur: We can't sit here and discuss where the star fissure goes in the Book of Atrus?
(04/29 20:07:12) Graizur: We can't discuss MYST 2021 expansions?
(04/29 20:07:36) Graizur: We can't do anything anything except create a big vacuum of nothingnerss as stage for my supposedly inappropriate exuberance?
(04/29 20:07:41) Graizur: Really?
(04/29 20:07:44) Kelsei A.T. gets a few panning shots to test the camera...
(04/29 20:08:16) Cody Herd: how is everybody
(04/29 20:08:16) Graizur: Who has the book of Atrus and a microphone?
(04/29 20:08:32) philipgr: Fine and how are you Cody?
(04/29 20:08:37) Brigid sideeyes the wannabe troll.
(04/29 20:08:46) Graizur: Read from when Katran and Atrus are running from Gehn right before they find the star fissure, from when they are dealing with Lava fissures and discover the
(04/29 20:08:49) Graizur: star fissure
(04/29 20:08:49) Cody Herd: im doing FANTASTIC
(04/29 20:09:13) philipgr: @Cody great
(04/29 20:09:20) Graizur: When you call someone a troll you aren't critisizing their behavior your maligning their ethnicity and reace.
(04/29 20:09:23) Claidi Song: Shorah everyone

(04/29 20:09:23) Minasunda: shorah Claidi

(04/29 20:09:23) Graizur: So go find escher
(04/29 20:09:26) Graizur: and go abuse bahro
(04/29 20:09:28) EMM: Shorah
(04/29 20:09:39) Minasunda leans left
(04/29 20:09:40) Claidi Song leans right
(04/29 20:09:41) Dulcamara: shorah all
(04/29 20:09:50) Graizur: Shorah, Thoe Kenemmmmmmmmm.?
(04/29 20:09:57) philipgr: Shorah Claidi
(04/29 20:10:09) Dulcamara leans left
(04/29 20:10:11) Claidi Song leans left
(04/29 20:10:16) Claidi Song leans right
(04/29 20:10:21) ametist': Claidi
(04/29 20:10:23) Graizur: This is AMAZING
(04/29 20:10:27) Graizur: The Wall works
(04/29 20:10:38) Graizur: anybody want to show me how the Wall Works? BTW lol
(04/29 20:10:42) Graizur: The Wall Works
(04/29 20:10:46) Kelsei A.T. tries to find a good camera angle...
(04/29 20:10:47) Graizur: There are new ages
(04/29 20:10:52) Graizur: There are new Cavern Expansions
(04/29 20:11:14) Roland (Mav Hungary) leans right
(04/29 20:11:15) ondine leans left
(04/29 20:11:18) philipgr: There is a book in each observation room that explains how the wall works.
(04/29 20:11:24) Kelsei A.T.: bah, all this backlighting is killer on the lense.
(04/29 20:11:31) nita1: lol
(04/29 20:11:35) Graizur: If I actually felt savfe here I would copy paste TWEEKS COOL NEW AGE STUFF IS ALMOST READY like 7 times
(04/29 20:11:58) Graizur: I'm so excited I could just scream.
(04/29 20:12:00) ametist': I heard Patrick is exploring more of Chiso
(04/29 20:12:15) ametist': I hope there will be something that can be restored for us to see
(04/29 20:12:17) Graizur: Chiso means Library. Derp
(04/29 20:12:23) Kelsei A.T.: yes, keeps me busy with the caltauc language samples he keeps bringing in.
(04/29 20:12:36) Dulcamara: he have to wear a good helmet then
(04/29 20:12:52) Brigid: Has Tieran gotten you all those first aid kits?
(04/29 20:12:53) ametist': Oh, so he is still finding some, cool!
(04/29 20:12:54) Graizur: ugh, languages, ugh, it's enough to just kjnow enough about D'ni to not know D'ni.
(04/29 20:13:08) philipgr: He may be digging a basement or a wine cellar ... lol
(04/29 20:13:19) Kelsei A.T.: yes, we've been keeping the downstairs door locked just in case the locals notice us poking around
(04/29 20:13:22) Graizur: I often fantasize about a calligraphy phone game that teaches and tests D'ni ABCs, writing and sound to letter knowledgedde
(04/29 20:13:38) Lycaon Alethius: Shorah!
(04/29 20:13:55) Dulcamara: shorah Lycaon Alethius
(04/29 20:13:55) Lycaon Alethius waves hello
(04/29 20:13:56) philipgr: @kelsi yes you cannot have angry local

(04/29 20:13:58) Graizur: Eitehr a tablet with a stylus game or a game that uses the motion sensiors in your phone so you can youse your thumb and wrist motion to get the swoops of the calligraphy just right
(04/29 20:14:11) From Boywhith in Boywhith's Relto: shorah, my friends

(04/29 20:14:18) Kelsei A.T.: Patrick has plans to let us off our 'always lock the stairs door' requirement in the next few months,
(04/29 20:14:27) Graizur: It would be a multilevel game, first you learn how to write the letters and as you are learning how script each symboil you also learn the sounds, then you learn what
(04/29 20:14:40) ametist': kelsei, that sounds awesome!
(04/29 20:14:41) From Dulcamara in Chiso Preniv: shorah Boywhith
(04/29 20:15:05) Kelsei A.T.: all i ask is nobody take anything from my desk once you can find it?
(04/29 20:15:16) Kelsei A.T. grins good naturedly
(04/29 20:15:16) ametist' laughs
(04/29 20:15:24) Graizur: then you get tested for the sounds so you are being tested for how your swopops swoop and whether or not you know the leters, then the game would teach and test writing words, slowly learning words, each stepo little at a time until you know enough of The Skill so you can RUNESmash the symbosl togethert
(04/29 20:15:43) Graizur: The funny iodea would be that after you beat the calligraphy game the thing you win is a form to buy a $50 blank journal.
(04/29 20:15:48) Brigid: But can we leave you tokens of our appreciation? I'm sure IwonK has a bag of cookies just for you.
(04/29 20:15:48) ametist': kelsei, promise!
(04/29 20:16:00) Kelsei A.T.: im always glad to take cookies.
(04/29 20:16:03) philipgr: I promise too
(04/29 20:16:11) IwonK hands Kelsei a bag of cookies
(04/29 20:16:26) Graizur does a dance
(04/29 20:16:29) ametist': I think IwonK would need a bakery in a cormer here
(04/29 20:16:37) ametist': *corner
(04/29 20:16:39) Kelsei A.T. thanks IwonK and places them in her backpack for safe keeping
(04/29 20:16:39) Cody Herd: i want a cookie
(04/29 20:16:45) Graizur: Ok that helped
(04/29 20:16:48) IwonK: I have a whole Guild of Cookies '_
(04/29 20:16:56) Graizur: I don't want to learn anything alone.
(04/29 20:17:00) ametist': yes of course lol
(04/29 20:17:01) Kelsei A.T.: fun!
(04/29 20:17:02) Dulcamara: best cookies ever
(04/29 20:17:06) Cody Herd: yyyuuuumm
(04/29 20:17:14) Brigid: Weeeeell, I in theory know how to build a wood fired oven if we can't reverse engineer some of the D'ni kitchens.
(04/29 20:17:14) ametist' laughs
(04/29 20:17:15) IwonK passes around book-shaped cookies
(04/29 20:17:15) Graizur: So if I learn D'ni any more than riven.com taught me it would have to be through a game that everyone else is playing too.
(04/29 20:17:17) nita1: i will take another one
(04/29 20:17:24) philipgr: Iwonk will be t6he head of the Guild of Caterers
(04/29 20:17:32) nita1: good idea
(04/29 20:17:40) Brigid: Ever tried to make cookies with a woodfire oven, Iwonk?
(04/29 20:17:55) Graizur: Didn't the Guild of Caterers Cater to Kadish so much he ended up in a solitary confinement cell of his own luxeries?
(04/29 20:18:03) IwonK: a firemarble oven, maybe
(04/29 20:18:07) nita1: i havent tried that...lol
(04/29 20:18:27) Brigid: Oooo! A sparkly oven! For sparkly cookies!
(04/29 20:18:29) ametist' enjoy the warmth from the sun, shining through the windows
(04/29 20:18:31) Graizur: Nowonder I beeen homeless for the last 128 years , lol, so scared of luxery
(04/29 20:18:36) Graizur: Geeeeeeeeeeez
(04/29 20:19:01) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, scharm
(04/29 20:19:04) Minasunda: shorah Scharm
(04/29 20:19:07) Graizur: Did nto the Guild Of Caterers Cater to Kadish to thoroughly that kadish died in a solitary confinement cell of his own luxeries?
(04/29 20:19:08) philipgr: The Relto fireplace would make a nice wood oven.
(04/29 20:19:12) Scharminius: shorah everyone
(04/29 20:19:18) philipgr: Shorah Scharm
(04/29 20:19:21) nita1: shorah
(04/29 20:19:25) Claidi Song waves hello
(04/29 20:19:27) ametist': Shorah Scharm
(04/29 20:19:32) ondine: Shorah Scharmi
(04/29 20:20:09) Graizur: It is , there for, no mystery, why a young man who held mMYSt in such high regard, after reading and playing URU would shun as much luxery has possible and end up homeless in portland oregon meditating over a manhole in portland oregonfore reasons easil;y understood, yup./
(04/29 20:20:41) Cody Herd: my knee's are killing me ( in song)
(04/29 20:21:06) Isa =^.^= leans right
(04/29 20:21:07) Scharminius leans left
(04/29 20:21:11) Graizur: What helpos me with Body pain is a thing called Gerson Therapy.
(04/29 20:21:29) Graizur: I just feel like screeming in excitement.
(04/29 20:21:39) Graizur: I can't believe THE WAL:L WORKS YOU GUYS
(04/29 20:21:40) Graizur: The
(04/29 20:21:42) Graizur: Wall
(04/29 20:21:43) Graizur: Works
(04/29 20:21:45) Graizur: Woah
(04/29 20:22:17) Brigid: Door's a bit big in proportion to the rest of the fireplace for that, philipgr.
(04/29 20:22:19) Graizur: I don't know HOW it works because nobody actualy has any interest in playing it with other players except in akwardly inopportunistiuc obscurity
(04/29 20:22:37) Graizur: BUT I Believe the wall works, even though I Can'T Believe The Wall Works@
(04/29 20:22:40) philipgr: @Brigid true
(04/29 20:22:45) Brigid: Would be harder for it to hold an even temperature once you scrape the coals out.
(04/29 20:23:06) Scharminius: The Wall could be good therapy to help you calm down before the Event, Graizur...
(04/29 20:23:12) Graizur: People take the Phrase Curb Your Enthusdiasm like it's the decleration of Indipendence.
(04/29 20:23:23) IwonK leans right
(04/29 20:23:25) Scharminius leans left
(04/29 20:23:30) Graizur: It Could Be if there were such a thing as other people.
(04/29 20:23:42) philipgr: You could put in four bricks and an iron grill on top of the bricks.
(04/29 20:23:44) Cody Herd: I Believe i can fly.....I beleave i can touch the ssskkkkyyyyy...( in song)
(04/29 20:23:46) Aurelias carefully leans left without losing her balance
(04/29 20:23:56) Brigid: Grilling is not baking, though.
(04/29 20:23:57) EMM: oh yes, the wall! I haven't seen it since the update for accessibility. It is accessible through Gahreesen?
(04/29 20:23:58) Scharminius leans right
(04/29 20:24:00) IwonK carefully leans to Aur
(04/29 20:24:03) Claidi Song: I think I've seen that name.
(04/29 20:24:10) Kelsei A.T.: yes, the Wall's in Gahreesen
(04/29 20:24:20) EMM: can't wait to get in!
(04/29 20:24:32) Graizur: But even though the Wall was only recently released, and even though this is the firrst big event since the release of the wall, no one is here "seeking group" to play the weall, so we're just standing at the edge of the simulation like in the movie 1343th floor.
(04/29 20:24:37) Graizur: Just here BEING ALIVE.
(04/29 20:24:39) Graizur: YAY!
(04/29 20:24:51) Kelsei A.T.: i think a tournament is in the works by someone, but there's a rare system crash that's still happening. hopefully that can be sorted out soon.
(04/29 20:25:03) Graizur: COOLIO
(04/29 20:25:13) philipgr: You could use a stainless steel metal sheet instead of a grill
(04/29 20:25:15) Graizur: Das Nice, Kelsei A.T.
(04/29 20:25:32) Graizur: Derp derp derp
(04/29 20:25:49) philipgr: I managed to play the wall by myself and I got into the nexus without crashing.
(04/29 20:25:53) Boywhith: Shorah all

(04/29 20:26:01) nita1 waves hello
(04/29 20:26:05) Graizur: So I went west because I was worried that Legendary Pictures was going to produce a cheap tacky atrocity of a series adaptration.
(04/29 20:26:12) philipgr: Shorah Boywhith
(04/29 20:26:19) Brigid: That would still be more like frying than baking. Though, if I could get a dutch oven down here, we can heat it up in the fireplace and use it to back small things.
(04/29 20:26:22) Hazado: I think we figured it out, Adam took a look at the code. We hope to have some testers look at it later today
(04/29 20:26:24) nita1 sticks fingers in ears
(04/29 20:26:28) Graizur: Like everything tracky from Farscape and Dr Who awkwardly smushed into a MYST series, so I went west.
(04/29 20:26:35) Kelsei A.T.:

Hazado would know best,
(04/29 20:26:39) Kelsei A.T.: oh, shorah, patrick
(04/29 20:26:48) Patrick Dulebohn: Hey there.
(04/29 20:26:48) nita1 waves hello
(04/29 20:26:55) Patrick Dulebohn: And here I thought I'd beat the crowd!
(04/29 20:26:56) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(04/29 20:26:59) Claidi Song waves
(04/29 20:27:00) Graizur: Like everything TACKY Afrom Farscape and Dr Who awkwardly smushed into a MYST sci-fi channel miniseries.
(04/29 20:27:00) philipgr: Shorah Patrick
(04/29 20:27:01) ondine: Shorah Patrick
(04/29 20:27:08) Cody Herd: we wait
(04/29 20:27:10) Graizur: Like Dinotopia , Farscape, etc
(04/29 20:27:12) Kelsei A.T.: nope, crowd was forming atleast by 10
(04/29 20:27:16) Brigid: Shorah, Patrick
(04/29 20:27:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Don't worry, there's still plenty of time. I'm just dropping in to chat while we wait.
(04/29 20:27:18) nita1: how many aer here now?
(04/29 20:27:18) Dulcamara: shorah Patrick
(04/29 20:27:21) Hander: I played both for Yellow and Purple team, all works fine, except you have to double click the green button for it to work
(04/29 20:27:43) Cody Herd: im here
(04/29 20:27:48) Patrick Dulebohn: Yeah, the equipment is a bit old, so sometimes, needs to be...persuaded a bit.
(04/29 20:27:50) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 20:27:56) Xavi: mmm...
(04/29 20:28:07) Graizur: I have aI have a few videos from my Journey through Portnand Spokane and Seattle.
(04/29 20:28:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Much like a really old tablet, just keep jabbing at it until it works.
(04/29 20:28:16) Cody Herd: im just hidding
(04/29 20:28:19) Graizur: It was kind of surreal. Not kind of. Very Very Surreal.
(04/29 20:28:23) Hazado: yes, we are still working on getting all the minor bugs out. Hoping to have it working better for solo players in a few months
(04/29 20:28:41) Hazado: less running around the facilities to get to the wall is the hope
(04/29 20:28:43) nita1: i count at least 30 so far
(04/29 20:28:46) Graizur: I also have videos up from when I created a tiny unioverse out of cardboard using D'ni trechnology
(04/29 20:28:53) Kelsei A.T.: the back and forth does seem quite tiring,
(04/29 20:28:56) philipgr: Each team has to click the green button to set the settings for the game.
(04/29 20:29:00) Brigid: By the way, does D'ni tech respond to the "Rubber Duck Debugging Method" or do you have to use whatever the D'ni had for ducks?
(04/29 20:29:02) Kelsei A.T.: speaking as someone who had to run across ae'gura for markers and hated it...
(04/29 20:29:03) Prad is worried about the old uruntu laptop in new messengers pub... jab it until it works...?
(04/29 20:29:04) Patrick Dulebohn: Both the DRC and some explorers from Germany all had a go at getting that wall working before Hazado took over. It's a real beast of a project.
(04/29 20:29:09) Graizur: I';m sorry everyone here is mandated by the simulation to be disinterestred and counterfiet-stoic. :-(
(04/29 20:29:28) Hazado: They had it nearly done by the time I got my hands on it
(04/29 20:29:33) philipgr: I setup both teams and had to stand on both suit panels before I got a suit.
(04/29 20:29:40) Patrick Dulebohn: We'll continue to work out the kinks. Perhaps just a can of oil is needed or something.
(04/29 20:29:41) Graizur: It's too bad real life isn't real otherwise everfybody would be like "WTF, You were homeless in Spokane and Portland JUST ebecause you lieked MYST, tell us all about it, we stayed hioome!"
(04/29 20:29:42) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(04/29 20:29:46) Hazado: The Maintainer nexus on the other hand....
(04/29 20:29:49) Hander: But you cannot set different number of blockers for each team, or I don't know how to do it
(04/29 20:29:52) Hazado: that place was a mess
(04/29 20:30:04) Kelsei A.T.: Calum once got stuck in one of those suits
(04/29 20:30:07) Graizur: Anybody else so in love with the Maintaner Suits in the concept art?
(04/29 20:30:09) Hazado: each team has to agree on the number of blockers
(04/29 20:30:11) Kelsei A.T.: scared the heck out of me when he sneaked into the lower office.
(04/29 20:30:12) philipgr: Give the D'ni gremlins an age of their own
(04/29 20:30:20) Kelsei A.T.: i wound up splashing him with my coffee.
(04/29 20:30:21) Graizur: With their marble stone textrure and biig chonky gloves and boots?
(04/29 20:30:23) Kelsei A.T. rolls her eyes
(04/29 20:30:24) Hazado: no different number of blockers for each side, they have to match
(04/29 20:30:25) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(04/29 20:30:35) Patrick Dulebohn: I think I remember the aftermath of that, Kelsei.
(04/29 20:30:41) Graizur: No. Nobody likes what you like Sage graizur Catharsis.
(04/29 20:30:44) Brigid: Well, at least he was well protected against scalding liquid.
(04/29 20:30:46) Kelsei A.T.: yes, i had him buy me the most expensive coffee grounds i could find.
(04/29 20:30:56) Kelsei A.T.: and yes, the suit protects well against coffee as it does any element
(04/29 20:30:59) Kelsei A.T. smiles
(04/29 20:31:08) Hander: what about handicaps for newbie teams?
(04/29 20:31:09) Patrick Dulebohn: To be fair, it *did* make the office smell great...if you're a coffee lover, which I am.
(04/29 20:31:16) Graizur: Noone knows what Chiso.UrusLasHope.com does, nobody here has ever looked at concept art from Whacked by Presto. No one understand yuou and you're all alone, whomp whomp. lol
(04/29 20:31:21) Kelsei A.T.: im just glad we got the stain out of the floor
(04/29 20:31:21) Graizur: what a sham of a reality.
(04/29 20:31:24) Graizur: Booohoo.
(04/29 20:31:26) From Sleeper Jan in Sleeper Jan's Relto: hey guys
(04/29 20:31:26) Prad: 'any element' triggers something in Prad,,,
(04/29 20:31:28) Kelsei A.T.: that would've been embarassing
(04/29 20:31:37) Brigid: How refreshing to find someone else enlightened enough to know that coffee is, in fact, it's own element.
(04/29 20:31:40) Adi: hello there
(04/29 20:31:42) Patrick Dulebohn: Luckily, it's stone, so it doesn't stain easily.
(04/29 20:31:53) Scharminius: General Adi!
(04/29 20:31:56) Kelsei A.T.: still had me worried a bit!
(04/29 20:31:58) Adi: heh
(04/29 20:31:58) Patrick Dulebohn: Red wine, maybe. Heh.
(04/29 20:31:59) Boywhith: Hi Adi

(04/29 20:32:02) Minasunda: hello Adi
(04/29 20:32:04) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, Adi
(04/29 20:32:05) Adi:

(04/29 20:32:06) philipgr: Shorah Adi
(04/29 20:32:31) Hazado: The other team can always put blockers in a spot that wont affect the climb
(04/29 20:32:34) Cpt.Jericho: Hi Adi
(04/29 20:32:43) Murry: Shorah Explorers!
(04/29 20:32:45) Hander: Also it would be nice to climb up the wall by using WASD only
(04/29 20:32:48) Lauritz: Shorah all
(04/29 20:32:50) Kelsei A.T.: dont challenge calum to a maze,
(04/29 20:32:54) From philipgr in Chiso Preniv: Shorah Lauritz
(04/29 20:32:55) Minasunda: shorah Murry
(04/29 20:32:57) Kelsei A.T.: or scharm, or hazado for that matter,
(04/29 20:33:02) Prad: remap keys to wasd and you have wasd
(04/29 20:33:02) Kelsei A.T.: ive heard they each have devious mazes
(04/29 20:33:09) Scharminius: >
(04/29 20:33:34) Patrick Dulebohn: Calum comes up with the most devious ones.
(04/29 20:33:50) Chogon: @Hazado and the Wall team: Everyone at Cyan is amazed y'all got the Wall working! Great job!
(04/29 20:33:59) Hazado: well I did have a lot of time testing various mazes
(04/29 20:34:04) Claidi Song cheers
(04/29 20:34:14) nita1 cheers
(04/29 20:34:15) Graizur does a dance
(04/29 20:34:16) Hander: no, W - up, S - down, left arrow - left, right arrow - right for me
(04/29 20:34:19) Graizur: I'm alive
(04/29 20:34:21) EMM cheers
(04/29 20:34:21) Kelsei A.T.:

we're glad you're amazed.
(04/29 20:34:22) Graizur: s
(04/29 20:34:22) Hazado: Thank you! Happy to bring it back
(04/29 20:34:24) Graizur: I'
(04/29 20:34:24) Chogon: multiplayer gaming takes a *lot* of testing :-)
(04/29 20:34:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, there's still a few things to work on, but yeah...that wall is working *much* better now.
(04/29 20:34:32) Hander: So I play with both hands
(04/29 20:34:44) Graizur: I'm alive, I'm alive, I''m alive I'm alive, this is what it sounds like
(04/29 20:34:46) Kelsei A.T.: i can see why the DRC never got it fully working, given the horror stories i've heard from Calum
(04/29 20:34:47) Graizur: all I want to do
(04/29 20:34:50) Graizur: is be with you
(04/29 20:35:03) Graizur: I'm alive, I'm alive', I'm alive, this is what it sounds like
(04/29 20:35:05) Kelsei A.T.: i can only imagine how much nonsense went into even getting it initially functioning
(04/29 20:35:05) Graizur does a dance
(04/29 20:35:13) skyisblu leans right
(04/29 20:35:13) Patrick Dulebohn: It was in a bit of a state when it was first found from what we've read.
(04/29 20:35:14) Scharminius leans left
(04/29 20:35:17) Graizur does a dance
(04/29 20:35:32) Hazado: lets just say we got trapped in the maintainer nexus and had to relto out for several months of testing
(04/29 20:35:34) Patrick Dulebohn: The Fall did a number on a great many of things, mostly due to the centuries of neglect from the absent D'ni.
(04/29 20:35:58) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, as mysterious as that Book is, best to have it handy when going into potential danger.
(04/29 20:36:15) Graizur: I would lik eRiven to come out secretly as a texture update for MYST 20211 ,hiding behind the Rime Age update, that is itself hiding behind a texture pack with new models from the new unreal capabilities so MYST can have metahuman character models too.
(04/29 20:36:16) To skyisblu: ca fait plaisir
(04/29 20:36:23) From skyisblu: bonjour ondine

) Ca va bien?
(04/29 20:36:36) To skyisblu: ca va bien merci
(04/29 20:36:37) Graizur: Not that MYSt having better charactrer models is the point, the point would be to DISCOVER Riven at the end of MYST.
(04/29 20:36:40) Graizur: YEAH!
(04/29 20:36:49) Kelsei A.T.: Relto is handy, but i think I might just prefer a Maintainer Suit if I ever have to step foot into an untested area, going forwards.
(04/29 20:36:54) From skyisblu: oui ca fait plaisir de te croiser ici aussi

Quelle importante journee
(04/29 20:37:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Both would be ideal, I'd say.
(04/29 20:37:08) Kelsei A.T.: oh, for sure
(04/29 20:37:09) Graizur: Could you imagine if you could play seamlessly from the beggining of MYST through into the Age Of Riven!>?!?!>!?!!>
(04/29 20:37:17) From philipgr in Chiso Preniv: The Gahreesen nexus would be a good place for IwonK to set up a cookie stall. You would have something to eat while waiting for rescue.
(04/29 20:37:18) To skyisblu: Exactement ca sera inoubliable
(04/29 20:37:36) Patrick Dulebohn: Although I'm not sure a suit would withstand a fall from the top of the Great Shaft...and I'm not about to test that theory!
(04/29 20:37:37) ametist': Great idea phihlipgr!
(04/29 20:37:38) Patrick Dulebohn cowers
(04/29 20:37:41) Hander: Why two Nexus book?
(04/29 20:37:50) Boywhith: I won't feel comfortable in a Maintainers suit.
(04/29 20:37:57) From IwonK in Chiso Preniv: how did you know that was my evil plan to do that? xD
(04/29 20:37:58) Graizur: I miss the stone buitl witnessess from the concepart
(04/29 20:38:00) Brigid: Unless Yeesha somehow put a decontamination function into a Relto link, we're still at risk of biologials going into new places.
(04/29 20:38:00) Kelsei A.T.: here in chiso, Hander?
(04/29 20:38:07) Hander: yes
(04/29 20:38:08) Patrick Dulebohn: It IS a bit restricting, but that's for safety concerns.
(04/29 20:38:13) Graizur: I miss the age with the rainbow oily lakes in the roots,
(04/29 20:38:18) philipgr: The Gahreesen nexus would be a good place for IwonK to set up a cookie stall. You would have something to eat while waiting for rescue.
(04/29 20:38:19) Kelsei A.T.: Patrick was the one who placed them, he could answer why.
(04/29 20:38:24) Graizur: I always tcall it the Hedwig and The ANgry Stump Age.
(04/29 20:38:35) Patrick Dulebohn: Hm?
(04/29 20:38:41) Patrick Dulebohn: Sorry, was going over some notes.
(04/29 20:38:43) Hander: for symmetry considerations? )
(04/29 20:38:43) Patrick Dulebohn blushes
(04/29 20:38:47) Kelsei A.T.: the Nexus books, Patrick
(04/29 20:38:49) Kelsei A.T.: why two?
(04/29 20:38:51) Graizur: EXUBERANCE
(04/29 20:38:53) Graizur: EXUBERANCE
(04/29 20:38:55) Graizur: LIOVELY
(04/29 20:38:56) Graizur: LIVING
(04/29 20:38:57) Graizur: ALIVE
(04/29 20:39:00) Graizur: WOOOHOOOO!
(04/29 20:39:01) philipgr: @Hander one book for purple team and one book for yellow team
(04/29 20:39:09) IwonK passes around purple and yellow cookies
(04/29 20:39:13) Kelsei A.T.: why two here, rather,
(04/29 20:39:14) Hander: no, here in Chiso
(04/29 20:39:16) Prad: they even did a gahreesen enter gahreesen fortress doors animation for first person perspective ... felt a bit claustrophobic but it worked...
(04/29 20:39:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Yeah, I'd say for symmetry. Until I find a proper Book back to Watcher's Pub anyway.
(04/29 20:39:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Plus, we've got hundreds of the things, which is good.
(04/29 20:39:40) Patrick Dulebohn: Given how important it was to get around, it makes sense.
(04/29 20:39:55) Patrick Dulebohn: Although I'd gladly walk all over the city.
(04/29 20:39:56) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 20:40:10) Graizur: Is someone trying to turn me into some holky martyr or something I keep getting booted ?
(04/29 20:40:11) Kelsei A.T.: no thank you, running all over it for markers was enough for me!
(04/29 20:40:26) Graizur: IS there an interactivve personality capable and actual enough to use words or naw?
(04/29 20:40:35) From cile in cile's Relto: hello buddies

(04/29 20:40:36) Scharminius: If putting your boot in your mouth counts as "booted", sure I guess...
(04/29 20:40:40) ametist': Earlier we talked about how these shelves need more books too
(04/29 20:40:54) Patrick Dulebohn: Eh, you just take a break here or there. Besides, it's still a fascinating place.
(04/29 20:40:55) From Claidi Song in Chiso Preniv: Shorah cile

(04/29 20:41:08) To Buddies: Hello cile
(04/29 20:41:08) From Woolie (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/29 20:41:09) Kelsei A.T.:
(04/29 20:41:15) ametist': It is!
(04/29 20:41:16) Lauritz: Not just more books but more linking books.
(04/29 20:41:25) Patrick Dulebohn: Oh yes. We're slowly filling them. Once these pillars are full, we'll start rotating Books to the shelves, starting with the Pub, then Veelay, etcetera.
(04/29 20:41:35) ametist': Linking books for sure
(04/29 20:41:43) Graizur: Can you imagine being so hungry you boil old boot leather so it can be like beaf stew?
(04/29 20:41:51) Graizur: I was never that homeless, I'll tell you what
(04/29 20:41:53) Kelsei A.T.: i think the Pub book likely will need a more prominent permanent display, given how popular it is
(04/29 20:42:01) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, so far, it's a healthy mix of both...just not all accessible at the moment.
(04/29 20:42:03) Kelsei A.T.: though, considering the new nexus link there, it may not be necessary
(04/29 20:42:05) Cpt.Jericho: Would be nice to have Nexus link for the pub.
(04/29 20:42:05) Graizur: I missed you guys so much when I was sleeping in the waterfall park in downtown portland
(04/29 20:42:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed.
(04/29 20:42:14) Patrick Dulebohn: There is one now.
(04/29 20:42:15) Boywhith: Pity my books about Myst / Riven / URU are too extensive and containing too much pictures...
(04/29 20:42:17) Graizur: Anybody remember that website Robyn made "
(04/29 20:42:22) Patrick Dulebohn: The Nexus pedestal in the Pub was fixed.
(04/29 20:42:23) Graizur: "Lost in P-Town"?
(04/29 20:42:38) Graizur: I accidentlily on purpose went and played that game in real life for like 8 months
(04/29 20:42:39) Kelsei A.T.: Claum managed to get the replacement lattice piece in not too long ago
(04/29 20:42:40) Patrick Dulebohn: I actually used it to come here.
(04/29 20:42:42) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 20:42:46) Cpt.Jericho: No, I mean a direct link to the pub from my personal Nexus
(04/29 20:42:57) ametist': kelsei, thats promising!
(04/29 20:43:01) Kelsei A.T.: yes, that's what we mean, Captain,
(04/29 20:43:03) Patrick Dulebohn: Yep, it's there now. Just need to use the Nexus pedestal's KI slot.
(04/29 20:43:05) Cpt.Jericho: Ok
(04/29 20:43:12) Graizur: I actually saw a piece a graphity that siad K'veer on a parking lot some where it was soo ... surrreal, wierd, cool, strange, scary, wordds
(04/29 20:43:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Just like the locations outside in the city.
(04/29 20:43:34) LividLiquid: That is so cool, Graizur. I wonder if it was just a coincidence or if they were a fan.
(04/29 20:43:38) Kelsei A.T.: though, the display name is a little finnickey still,
(04/29 20:43:39) Prad: replacement lattuce
(04/29 20:43:48) TikiBear leans right
(04/29 20:43:49) Patrick Dulebohn: It should appear in the list as New Messengers Pub. We used that since that's what Minasunda uses in her adverts.
(04/29 20:43:51) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 20:43:52) skyisblu leans left
(04/29 20:43:59) Kelsei A.T.: i think that might require another quick server reboot to fix at some point,
(04/29 20:44:01) From Ecconia: Shorah, endlich Menschen - und so viele davon. Alle wollen in das neue age
(04/29 20:44:09) Kelsei A.T.: no idea why its listing a 9 in there.
(04/29 20:44:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Also, you may need to scroll down a bit if you have a lot of city location Links.
(04/29 20:44:20) Graizur: I imagine they were some sort of fan because SOME sort of fan or stalker or gaurdian Angel found my ipad and my script treatments that I hid under the latrine and when I got back my stuff was missing.
(04/29 20:44:29) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, the lattice is probably still angry with us. Heh.
(04/29 20:44:40) Minasunda: thats nice Patrick
(04/29 20:44:49) Brigid: Do not taunt Happy Fun Lattice.
(04/29 20:44:53) Graizur: Living in homeless in POrtland was a little more rsurreal than just like some exists or not exists, there was a tremendous amound of functionally interactive quantum uncertainty
(04/29 20:45:02) Patrick Dulebohn: We did give it a bit of a whollop to get that terminal working. Hence the power blink that reset the visitor list and imagers.
(04/29 20:45:09) LividLiquid: Latiice: Do not bounce.
(04/29 20:45:17) Graizur: Maybe it wasw you who sprayed K'veer oon a portland parking lot.
(04/29 20:45:26) Cpt.Jericho: Pour some vinegar over it, then it's sour but only one step away from being a salad
(04/29 20:45:32) Brigid: Do not apply lattice to living tissue.
(04/29 20:45:33) LividLiquid: Oh, it was Portland? That's almost certainly a fan.
(04/29 20:45:37) Patrick Dulebohn: Looks like we've got about 15 minutes. Still got some coming in.
(04/29 20:45:53) Babbeltje.40: shorah all
(04/29 20:45:54) Kelsei A.T. settles up to make sure camera is working...
(04/29 20:46:01) Patrick Dulebohn: Yes, the moment you don't respect that lattice, all the KI's go screwy. Heh.
(04/29 20:46:02) From Ecconia: Ich bin gespannt!
(04/29 20:46:02) Minasunda: shorah Babbel
(04/29 20:46:09) Boywhith: Hallo babbel

(04/29 20:46:22) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, babbel
(04/29 20:46:23) Babbeltje.40: sorah Mina Sunda
(04/29 20:46:26) LividLiquid: So is this an audio address or will it all be over text chat?
(04/29 20:46:29) likonan: Shorah
(04/29 20:46:33) Cpt.Jericho: Checked the batteries, Kelsei?
(04/29 20:46:35) ametist': Shoarha to all newly arrived
(04/29 20:46:36) Kelsei A.T.: yep
(04/29 20:46:44) Prad: anyone still doing private messages to avvies? lol
(04/29 20:46:50) Claidi Song waves hello to eveyone
(04/29 20:46:52) nita1 waves hello
(04/29 20:47:00) philipgr: @Patrick did you wack the nexus terminal with a hammer to get it working? ... lol
(04/29 20:47:12) IwonK: I can, Prad
(04/29 20:47:13) Murry: Shorah Claidi
(04/29 20:47:13) Kelsei A.T.: Calum tried that, philip.
(04/29 20:47:22) Boywhith greets everybody!
(04/29 20:47:24) philipgr: Shorah Babbeltje
(04/29 20:47:25) Kelsei A.T.: also some other tools, from what he said
(04/29 20:47:26) Kelsei A.T.: lol
(04/29 20:47:27) From Ecconia: Ahh, dann kennst du es schon
(04/29 20:47:29) Prad: with a thor hammer to be exactly...
(04/29 20:47:43) Cpt.Jericho: The squeaky one?
(04/29 20:47:49) Babbeltje.40: Shorah philipgr
(04/29 20:47:56) Babbeltje.40: shorah Prad
(04/29 20:48:06) Prad: shorah Babbeltje.40
(04/29 20:48:08) LividLiquid: Can Mjolnir crack Nara?
(04/29 20:48:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh, now that's a good question.
(04/29 20:48:23) philipgr: I hope calum did not kick it as he would have hurt his toes.
(04/29 20:48:26) IwonK: we'll have to ask Thor to try nex time he comes
(04/29 20:48:30) Patrick Dulebohn: This nara was not worthy!
(04/29 20:48:32) Patrick Dulebohn laughs
(04/29 20:48:46) Prad: or fix-it-felix
(04/29 20:48:47) Babbeltje.40: shorah prad
(04/29 20:48:51) Graizur: I use to go to the doorbell of Panic Inc the guys who made the MYST-like Firewatch and I would ring their door bell and yellinto intrcom get me a production team!@
(04/29 20:48:52) Kelsei A.T.: ...if he did kick it, he didnt tell me.
(04/29 20:48:58) Hander: What about the Descent's terminal? I've heard some work is being done (from that audio device in Kirel)
(04/29 20:49:02) Patrick Dulebohn: I suppose it depends on how dense nara is compared to vibranium?
(04/29 20:49:03) Brigid: While you're at it, ring up TonyStark! He's probably upgrade as well as fix it.
(04/29 20:49:11) Kelsei A.T.: though, he did kick a battery box for his computer not too recently,
(04/29 20:49:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Too soon!
(04/29 20:49:12) Claidi Song: Hey

(04/29 20:49:14) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 20:49:28) Graizur: I use to ring the doorbell pof Panic Inc the guys who made Firewatch and I would ring their door bell and demand a production team.
(04/29 20:49:30) Kelsei A.T.: that *did* hurt his foot from what I recall.
(04/29 20:49:38) Kelsei A.T.: poor boy needs his breaks.
(04/29 20:49:42) Graizur: I'd be like "Get me AN Illustrator!"
(04/29 20:49:47) Graizur: Ahhhhh
(04/29 20:49:48) Patrick Dulebohn: I'll say. He works too dang hard.
(04/29 20:49:50) Graizur: Those were the days
(04/29 20:50:11) Isa =^.^= leans left
(04/29 20:50:14) Kelsei A.T.: i'll be trying to keep him focused on Naybree for the next few months, there isnt too much left to do *there* as far as I know,
(04/29 20:50:17) Claidi Song leans right
(04/29 20:50:18) Patrick Dulebohn: Lately, I've been enjoying some quiet time in uh...oh, I should probably not mention that Age.
(04/29 20:50:20) Graizur: I really NMYST you guys
(04/29 20:50:21) Patrick Dulebohn looks around for a bit
(04/29 20:50:26) Brigid: We need to get him a gift certificate for a massage or something.
(04/29 20:50:33) Kelsei A.T.: so that should keep him out of a lot of trouble,
(04/29 20:50:39) Graizur: Back in those days all you guys only existed in my imagination.
(04/29 20:50:39) Kelsei A.T.: not much problems one can get into in a Garden
(04/29 20:50:43) EMM: where patrick. where?! ;)
(04/29 20:50:48) Graizur: I didn';t have a computer so I could see you, here, in the cavern.
(04/29 20:50:59) Brigid: Patrick, you tease!!
(04/29 20:51:02) Patrick Dulebohn: It's a surprise...hopefully one that will be revealed sometime down the road.
(04/29 20:51:05) Patrick Dulebohn winks
(04/29 20:51:10) Kelsei A.T.: hopefully.
(04/29 20:51:15) Graizur: Then I went to Seattle, and I had to find the Hulu Offices in Downtown Seattle
(04/29 20:51:38) Kelsei A.T. gets camera rolling...
(04/29 20:51:40) Graizur: I went iunto the buidling and wrote a little note on apiece of cardstock from like a snack food box, it had my email address and my affinity for MYST written on it.
(04/29 20:51:52) Prad nervously looks at his KI... age?... to relax?... need it now!...
(04/29 20:52:20) LividLiquid: My friend works at that Hulu office, Graizur.
(04/29 20:52:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Well, there's already a few. I recommend Eder Delin if you're not looking to get into that odd door.
(04/29 20:52:22) Graizur: This very pretty lady with long red brown hair barely opened the door , she looked half scared and half out of breath, and she took my little note and i left and I was homeless in Seattle for like 2 weeks.
(04/29 20:52:27) philipgr: @Prad you need a jakoozy in Relto
(04/29 20:52:42) Murry: Patrick, if you keep teasing us like that, we may have to revert to torture.
(04/29 20:52:52) Patrick Dulebohn: I'd be impressed if someone got one installed in there.
(04/29 20:52:54) Graizur: That's nice Livid.
(04/29 20:53:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Ha! Do your worst!
(04/29 20:53:06) Patrick Dulebohn taunts you
(04/29 20:53:11) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh.
(04/29 20:53:20) Hazado: You might be able to get one in there if you took it piece by piece
(04/29 20:53:20) Murry: Heh heh
(04/29 20:53:21) Graizur: She looked very out of breath and her clothes and hair looked suspiciously dishevveled.
(04/29 20:53:33) Patrick Dulebohn: Besides, from what I've seen of this community, everyone likes a good surprise.
(04/29 20:53:45) Prad: true
(04/29 20:53:52) EMM: do love a good surprise
(04/29 20:53:54) Brigid: That is a question. Would we rig a hot tub's motor and heater to run off firemarbles?
(04/29 20:53:57) Lauritz: There is one in the TARDIS
(04/29 20:53:58) LividLiquid: Wait a minute. Is the arch paint in here different than it was before?
(04/29 20:54:06) IwonK passes around surprise cookies
(04/29 20:54:09) Graizur: There was a snack food delivery cart on the elevator like an invitation to SPY TACTICS my way into the building bu tI find all thoat sort of thing quite boring.
(04/29 20:54:11) Patrick Dulebohn: If that can be done Brigid, I would love to know.
(04/29 20:54:22) Kelsei A.T.: i dont think anyone did any painting, Livid?
(04/29 20:54:30) Kelsei A.T.: but i may have missed something,
(04/29 20:54:31) Murry: That's true. I just remeber the near small uprising at AGM last month. Right Kelsei?
(04/29 20:54:36) Patrick Dulebohn: Nice! I knew someone would bring the cookies.
(04/29 20:54:36) LividLiquid: I guess I've just never noticed it.
(04/29 20:54:38) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 20:54:42) Kelsei A.T.: ive had a busy few weeks on the surface lately.
(04/29 20:54:51) LividLiquid: Weird considering I sit at this desk a LOT.
(04/29 20:55:04) Graizur: Also I went into a solitary confinement cell when I got back from Seattle because they gave me a bicycle and then acted like they didn't give me a bicycle.
(04/29 20:55:12) Patrick Dulebohn: I think a lot of us have, Kelsei. It's good to get away for a bit for something fun like this.
(04/29 20:55:16) Graizur: I biked from Portland to Seattle and I biked from Seattle to portland.
(04/29 20:55:26) Metabasalt1: nothing like a new uru age to bring fans back on Moula
(04/29 20:55:32) Patrick Dulebohn: OK, I think we've got about five minutes.
(04/29 20:55:33) Ereshkigal: Hi everyone! Nice crowd today for Elonin
(04/29 20:55:35) Root Beere leans left
(04/29 20:55:42) Graizur: But I acxtually took the bus from Tocoma to Seattle because Tacoma and seattle share a transit system and a am not a self torturtrereererererererer.
(04/29 20:55:46) Nosi La leans right
(04/29 20:55:55) philipgr: Hi Ereshkigal
(04/29 20:55:57) Roland (Mav Hungary) leans left
(04/29 20:55:59) Omiahn leans right
(04/29 20:56:01) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, eresh
(04/29 20:56:04) Prad: I once had the illusion that some beam would target the great zero imager at a non-adjusted off-center spot... why?... because it shows a glowing image of a marker which looks like a diameter of an invisible beam hitting that screen...
(04/29 20:56:04) Maurus waves hello
(04/29 20:56:09) Patrick Dulebohn: Things have really come alive these last few months. It's great to see.
(04/29 20:56:12) Maurus: wowee! lotta folks here!
(04/29 20:56:19) cile waves hello
(04/29 20:56:24) Kelsei A.T.: shorah, maurus
(04/29 20:56:27) LividLiquid: Right?
(04/29 20:56:39) Patrick Dulebohn: Indeed, Maurus. Best to park yourself somewhere and get comfy. We'll soon be starting.
(04/29 20:56:46) cile: hello everyone

(04/29 20:56:48) Cody Herd: how many people are here??
(04/29 20:56:48) Murry: Shorah Maurus
(04/29 20:56:55) ametist': cile
(04/29 20:56:55) Patrick Dulebohn: Hi cile.
(04/29 20:57:01) Murry: Hello cile

(04/29 20:57:05) Sleeper Jan: Lots
(04/29 20:57:07) LividLiquid: Hi, Cile!
(04/29 20:57:09) Boywhith: shoraj, Cile

(04/29 20:57:11) ametist' laughs
(04/29 20:57:23) Patrick Dulebohn finds his mark and gets ready
(04/29 20:57:32) Christo: So glad that the Community is still going well...and new content to see was actually worth the wait!
(04/29 20:57:33) Scharminius: hi cile
(04/29 20:57:48) nita1: shorah Captin!
(04/29 20:57:54) Kelsei A.T. mutters under breath as camera screen flickers
(04/29 20:58:05) Patrick Dulebohn: Uh oh.
(04/29 20:58:07) Kelsei A.T.: (oh dont you dare go out on me now...)
(04/29 20:58:08) ametist' takes a deep breath
(04/29 20:58:15) nita1: its been years CQ
(04/29 20:58:24) Kelsei A.T.: apologies if i have to vanish suddenly to take care of this.
(04/29 20:58:25) Prad: it needs a lot of polishing and repair to get new ages going... writing the fixes into the age description books...
(04/29 20:58:37) Kelsei A.T.: could someone else chatlog just incase?
(04/29 20:58:40) Prad: ... so it takes time. thats alright.
(04/29 20:58:40) Murry: It's about to start...
(04/29 20:58:40) IwonK: I can provide Polishing xD
(04/29 20:58:41) Graizur: I biked from Portland to Seattle, but I took a bus from Tacoma to Seattle because Tocoma and seattle share a transit system.,
(04/29 20:58:50) Prad: lol
(04/29 20:58:50) Patrick Dulebohn: The latter is definitely only recommended for trained professionals...and at your own risk, of course.
(04/29 20:59:10) Patrick Dulebohn: Got a little under two minutes, I think.
(04/29 20:59:17) Graizur: And when I got off the bus there was an odler man on the corner and when I crossed the strteet from the bus he said "Places, everyone, places" like it was all FAKE. In Real Life.
(04/29 20:59:27) Graizur: I was like Ho Hum, Life, huh?
(04/29 20:59:29) Patrick Dulebohn: You may now proceed to get excited. Heh.
(04/29 20:59:38) EMM: too late
(04/29 20:59:54) Patrick Dulebohn touches up his little speech
(04/29 20:59:59) From ScottMiller: Shorah ondine!
(04/29 21:00:07) likonan gets excited
(04/29 21:00:07) Brigid: Keep your hands and arms inside the library until the link comes to a complete "whrrrrr".
(04/29 21:00:15) Kelsei A.T. mutters, and pokes at camera, trying to keep it working...
(04/29 21:00:16) Patrick Dulebohn: Okay, I think it's time!
(04/29 21:00:20) To ScottMiller: Shorah Scott
(04/29 21:00:21) Patrick Dulebohn: Hello one and all, and welcome back to Chiso Preniv!
(04/29 21:00:22) ametist' claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:22) Ereshkigal: Roote Beere, are you the same as root Beer who co-hosts RFD?
(04/29 21:00:23) Graizur: But I am tellin gyoiu all this because you were with me
(04/29 21:00:25) nita1 claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:27) Murry claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:27) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:27) cile claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:29) Diranda: Shorah all!
(04/29 21:00:30) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:30) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:31) Claidi Song claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:32) IwonK claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:33) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:33) MikeT claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:34) Dnidaz claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:34) Brigid claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:35) likonan claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:35) Nosi La claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:36) EMM claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:36) Xavi claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:36) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:36) Root Beere leans left
(04/29 21:00:37) Christo claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:37) skyisblu claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:37) Roland (Mav Hungary) claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:38) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:38) ondine claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:39) Ereshkigal cheers
(04/29 21:00:40) uwe claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:40) Malim Praedari leans right
(04/29 21:00:40) Lycaon Alethius claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:42) billo claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:43) Cody Herd claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:45) rarified claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:46) Patrick Dulebohn: As has become a rather lovely tradition now, we've congregated here once more to celebrate another fascinating piece added to the historic puzzle that is D'ni.
(04/29 21:00:46) Chogon claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:47) zyzzyva6998 claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:47) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:47) Ecconia claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:48) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(04/29 21:00:48) Metabasalt1 claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:50) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:52) Graizur: You were with me in my imagination when I was trying to rescue the MYST franchise from overwhelm,ingly takky and depressingly cheap television adaptations.
(04/29 21:00:55) Maurus claps his hands
(04/29 21:00:58) Prad claps his hands
(04/29 21:01:02) philipgr claps his hands
(04/29 21:01:04) Tahm claps his hands
(04/29 21:01:07) Ahno claps his hands
(04/29 21:01:11) ZubenElGenubi claps his hands
(04/29 21:01:12) Patrick Dulebohn: Heh...have to remember to pause for applause
(04/29 21:01:14) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 21:01:24) Graizur: Ok. I'm done.
(04/29 21:01:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Again...
(04/29 21:01:31) Christo: pause for effect...
(04/29 21:01:34) Patrick Dulebohn: As has become a rather lovely tradition now, we've congregated here once more to celebrate another fascinating piece added to the historic puzzle that is D'ni.
(04/29 21:01:55) Patrick Dulebohn: While the Ages are a large part of our ongoing restoration efforts, we must not forget the important...and, at times, back-breaking...work being done right at home to re-open locations in the cavern as well.
(04/29 21:02:19) Patrick Dulebohn: With that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to the two restoration experts who are responsible for what you will see today.
(04/29 21:02:21) Mabe leans right
(04/29 21:02:22) Minasunda leans left
(04/29 21:02:30) Patrick Dulebohn: Please welcome Dulcamara and ametist!
(04/29 21:02:33) Aurelias claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:34) cile cheers
(04/29 21:02:34) IwonK claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:34) ZubenElGenubi claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:34) nita1 claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:35) Brigid claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:35) Hazado cheers
(04/29 21:02:35) philipgr claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:35) Ereshkigal claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:35) Karel cheers
(04/29 21:02:35) Diranda claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:36) Claidi Song claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:36) rarified claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:37) Maurus claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:37) Lycaon Alethius claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:37) Karel claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:37) Xavi claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:38) PodHopper claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:38) Theo cheers
(04/29 21:02:38) Ecconia claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:38) Dnidaz claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:38) Boywhith claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:38) Prad claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:38) Patrick Dulebohn claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:38) thoekenem claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:39) Adi claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:39) Metabasalt1 claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:39) Scharminius claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:39) ametist' bows
(04/29 21:02:39) likonan claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:39) Lauritz claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:39) skyisblu cheers
(04/29 21:02:39) Isa =^.^= claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:39) Roland (Mav Hungary) claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:40) Kelsei A.T. claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:40) Root Beere claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:40) Nosi La claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:40) zyzzyva6998 claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:40) ondine claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:41) Minasunda claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:41) Ahno claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:42) Murry claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:42) Chogon claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:43) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:44) Tahm: 7clap
(04/29 21:02:44) Morten claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:44) uwe claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:44) Claidi Song cheers
(04/29 21:02:45) Dulcamara bows
(04/29 21:02:45) Cody Herd claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:46) Omiahn claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:46) ZubenElGenubi claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:47) Mabe claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:48) Evelyn claps her hands
(04/29 21:02:50) Malim Praedari claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:50) Tahm claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:51) Chogon claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:51) Graizur: mope
(04/29 21:02:53) ScottMiller claps his hands
(04/29 21:02:59) Claidi Song whistles loudly
(04/29 21:03:03) Jenuine: Is there audio somehwer Im missing?
(04/29 21:03:21) Prad: no audio just text
(04/29 21:03:22) ametist': yet again we are pleased to be able to open up a newly restired area to you all
(04/29 21:03:31) ametist': This time within the cavern!
(04/29 21:03:40) ScottMiller claps his hands
(04/29 21:03:43) nita1 claps her hands
(04/29 21:03:46) philipgr claps his hands
(04/29 21:03:47) Claidi Song cheers
(04/29 21:03:48) Ereshkigal: heer
(04/29 21:03:49) ametist': Uncle Rebus and his friends restored much of it.
(04/29 21:03:50) Diranda claps her hands
(04/29 21:03:51) ondine claps her hands
(04/29 21:03:52) BIG thumbs up from cile
(04/29 21:03:53) Ereshkigal cheers
(04/29 21:03:56) Jenuine claps her hands
(04/29 21:03:59) Babbeltje.40 claps her hands
(04/29 21:03:59) Cody Herd claps his hands
(04/29 21:04:01) r'Tayrtahn claps his hands
(04/29 21:04:02) ametist': Later he gave the linking book to Dulcamara
(04/29 21:04:12) Ro"Jethhe: If there was audio we woud have sub titles.
(04/29 21:04:14) ametist': and she continued the restoration.
(04/29 21:04:24) Murry: Nivlaek
(04/29 21:04:25) Claidi Song claps her hands
(04/29 21:04:33) ametist': She then called me in to assist with maing it ready to be public.
(04/29 21:04:52) Dulcamara blows you a kiss
(04/29 21:05:01) ametist': These last months many friends have been helping us to fix the last things
(04/29 21:05:05) Lauritz catches it.
(04/29 21:05:14) ametist': oling sqeeking door hinges
(04/29 21:05:20) nita1: lol
(04/29 21:05:24) ametist': hammering in spike heads
(04/29 21:05:26) Patrick Dulebohn grins
(04/29 21:05:31) ametist': carrying things back and forth
(04/29 21:05:32) Prad: lol
(04/29 21:05:45) ametist': you know all these little things that take so much time!
(04/29 21:05:47) Claidi Song: Good work!
(04/29 21:05:48) ZubenElGenubi chuckles
(04/29 21:05:52) Ereshkigal: It sounds almost like Atrus and the Averonese
(04/29 21:05:57) ametist': Big, big thanks to you all!!
(04/29 21:05:57) Ahno: yeah
ondine KI # 06551797 - bianca KI # 06215318