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The Magic High School of Skydiving (MHSS)

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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
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Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Mar 21 Nov, 2023 16:47 PM    Sujet du message:

The Magic High School of Skydiving (MHSS)

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I am pleased to inform you of the reopening of theMagic High School of Skydiving or MHSS), whose building is located on the square in Skydiving City (SKCity).
Its objective is to teach you the art of Sydiving in the company of two experienced instructors: Magic Skydiver (#8848659) and Mimi Skydiver (#8970733).
Thanks to them, you will progress at your own pace in learning Sydiving techniques.

What is Cave Sydiving?
Ever since Uru Live existed, some explorers have always wanted to see what was happening behind the cave walls.
They have developed techniques to scale these invisible walls and explore otherwise inaccessible places.
But since it requires some dexterity, I thought that with the help of a magical instructor it would be less intimidating for you.

Furthermore, as I also like the spirit of the game, I thought that the creation of a Magic Sydiving school could make learning these techniques more fun and therefore less austere.
Thus was born the “Magic High School of Skydiving” (MHSS)

Explorers who enroll in this school will be assisted by a special instructor: Magic Skydiver or Mimi Skydiver (MS)
Therobotswill guide them in learning Sydiving techniques, at their own pace.

Thanks to them, students will be able to resume their progress where they left off because all their progress is recorded in the great register of the MHSS.
They will earnexperience points and Sydiving certificates to progress to higher levels and participate in more complicated missions.

There are 5 levels, therefore 5 certificates:
At the beginning, you will be a “Neophyte” skydiver, then “Beginner”, then “Confirmed”, then “Experienced[/b ]” and finally “[b]Instructor”.
Once you have reached the rank of “Sydiving Instructor”, you will also be able to create missions to integrate them as courses in the MHSS.
This means that those who have become expert in Sydiving will be able to integrate their own marker races into the MHSS.

The role of Magic Skydiver or Mimi Skydiver is multiple:
It allows each student registered at the MHSS to participate in personalized training adapted to each individual's pace.
He keeps track of each student's progress and parachutes them to the location of the last captured marker. This avoids having to start the route from the beginning!
In addition, it is he/she who grants the experience points necessary to pass the certificates.
It also helps you pass the certificates.

This means that a student must always be accompanied by Magic Skydiver or Mimi Skydiver so that they can receive their advice and have their progress validated and recorded in the MHSS register.
But as Sydiving techniques can be used in all ages, private and public, you will be able to train, even without the presence of a robot.
But it will have to accompany you through the magical ages of the MHSS so that it validates your progress.

Sometimes there will be an airdrop into places that are completely inaccessible otherwise. It's like you want to explore the top of a mountain where there is no road to get there. You would need a helicopter to drop you off!
Well, the robot Magic Skydiver or Mimi Skydiver has the power to do that, but onlyif it is in the same age as you!
These magical drops will be extremely rare, to allow you to practice Sydiving anywhere within the "normal" ages of the client MOUL:a
In this regard, I inform you that all MHSS missions are carried out with the Moul:a normal client.
You should not use an internal client (Plclient) otherwise, in many cases, you would fall into the void because the physical effects are not identical!
I would even say that I would find it absurd to use an internal client to carry out these missions, because what would be the point in this case of using magical movement commands?

Those wishing to participate will only have to send, by PM to Magic Skydiver or Mimi Skydiver, the command: REGISTRATION and follow their instructions.
You will then receive your paratrooper outfit, your logbook where your progress is recorded, as well as the first mission (race and photo of the markers ).

You have the choice of following your teaching inEnglish (Thanks to Lushun), in Germanor in French.
I hope that thanks to the MHSS, Sydiving will no longer have any secrets for you.

Have fun !
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Mar 21 Nov, 2023 17:55 PM    Sujet du message:

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Currently, the first 20 missions and the first 4 certificates in SKCITY are available.
The other missions (47 in total) and certificates are currently being tested.
You will be kept informed of the availability of other missions in this forum.

Here are the routes of the first 20 missions.
They all take place at SKCity. Click on the images to enlarge them.

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20

And the first 4 certificates:

Initiate: Beginner: Confirmed: Experienced:

All these photos you will receive in your KI inbox with your mission orders and marker races.
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Jeu 23 Nov, 2023 09:29 AM    Sujet du message:

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It is not impossible that I organize a Skydiving evening.
But first of all, I would like to finish rehabilitating all the missions before this event.
In addition, Yoda animations would still be welcome for this occasion. I will contact him in this regard.

This video, made by Minasunda 4 years ago, reflects the spirit of the game. Let's hope that this enthusiasm for Skydiving is still present. I can already see a few Skydivers embarking on the adventure!
Enjoy discovering behind the scenes to everyone, thanks to the Magic of Magic and Mimi Skydivers.

In the meantime, here are the6 missions restored to SKHood. Something to enhance your skydivings evenings!

21 22 23 24 25

Have fun !
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Ven 24 Nov, 2023 07:21 AM    Sujet du message:

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Here is a short video for those who have difficulty accessing the walls of Kahlo's pub in mission 20.

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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Sam 25 Nov, 2023 15:07 PM    Sujet du message:

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Here are the missions to be carried out at TEcana as well as the instructor certificate

27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34

the instructor certificate:


See you soon for the continuation of the missions.
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Sam 25 Nov, 2023 18:30 PM    Sujet du message:

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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Dim 26 Nov, 2023 08:40 AM    Sujet du message:

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At the request of some, here are the commands of the skydiving to send to the bot in private message (MP)

To register as a member of the Haute Ecole de Voltige Magique (MHSS), send the command REGISTRATION.
To start or resume a mission, just send the command SK. If you want to change mission, send the command SK spaced by its number, for example SK 6 for mission 6.
To find out the contents of your logbook, send the command SKB.
To obtain the list of available skydiving missions, send the command SKL.
To obtain a copy of the current mission order, send the SKM command.
Totake a break from your training and put on your civilian clothes, send the command SKQ.
To change thelanguage of your instructor, send the command SETLANG EN (or FR, or DE).
To move back to the location of an already captured marker:
- In the current mission, PM SK #M (#M is the marker number)
- SK #Q #M (#Q is the number of another mission and #M is the marker number of this mission).
- If Sk is used alone: returns you to the location of the last save point.
To send a help request to the flyers connected in the cave, send the command NEEDHELP
To unsubscribe[/b] from the MHSS, send me the command UNSUBSCRIBE
To start everything from scratch, without unsubscribing from the MHSS, send SKRESET(irreversible command)
When you capture a marker and you are centered on it, send the number of this markerto obtain the informationconcerning it (It is not necessary to send the complete code of the marker, the number alone is sufficient).

Here are the Instructor Codes you will receive again each time you send a captured marker number:

(RST_Cg) (Reset and Centering) Reset of the Marker Race then Centering of the Skydiver into the Marker.
(W) Walk to the next maker
(R) Run to the next marker
(WJ) Walk-Jump
(HWJ) (Held Walk-Jump) for a long walk jump
(HRJ) for a long run jump
(AM) Aim the Marker in front of you
(ArM) Aim the Marker on your right
(AlM) Aim the Marker on your left
(Tl#) Turn on your left # degres
(Tr#) Turn on your right # degres
(J) Jump on-site

(rsS) right sidelong Step
(lsS) left sidelong Step
(DJR) Combo : Double Jump while you are Running
(TSC) Technique of the StairCase : (W,J)

Example of instructions:(Alm, RJ, W) : Aim the marker on your left then Run-Jump then Walk until this marker.
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Lun 27 Nov, 2023 16:54 PM    Sujet du message:

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Skydivers' outfits according to their certificate.

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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Mar 28 Nov, 2023 15:51 PM    Sujet du message:

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If the bot tells you that you are not at the correct position of the marker, when you are at the correct position, try moving a step or two to the right or left and return the marker number. This problem is not due to a program bug, it is simply due to the fact that the physical behavior is not quite the same in Moul:a as in an internal client. As a result, for certain markers, the bot believes that you are not well placed. With a little experience, you will be able to understand this and slightly correct your position.
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Jeu 30 Nov, 2023 07:53 AM    Sujet du message:

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Here are the missions to complete in SKDelin (Delin Grand Tour), SKGira (Gira Fun Tour), SKCleft (The Cleft) and SKGahreesen (The Power Room)

35 36 37 38

See you soon for the continuation.
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Sam 02 Déc, 2023 15:44 PM    Sujet du message:

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These are the routes for missions 39 (Gahreesen Fun Tour), 40 (Teledahn: The Hut), 41 (Teledahn: The Gateways), 42 (Teledahn: From Warehouse to the Prison), 43 (Teledahn: The Workhouse), 44 (Kveer's Grand Tour), 45 (The Relto) and 46 (Phil's Relto).

39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Lun 04 Déc, 2023 15:07 PM    Sujet du message:

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Here are the images from special mission 2000 - Christmas lights 2019

This is a special mission reserved for instructor Skydivers.
It is strongly advised to complete all base missions before this one as you will need to use the SKP command to teleport directly to strategic locations.

As this mission takes place in different ages, I remind you that the SKT command allows you to teleport to another age (as well as the bot) while remaining in mission 2000.
For example, to teleport to SKErcana, use the SKT SKErcana command.
Once you have reached the desired age, do not use the SK command, otherwise you will return to the location of your last age save where you validated the last marker captured.

Merry Christmas z18
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Lun 04 Déc, 2023 15:12 PM    Sujet du message:

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Here are the images of the 3 special missions developed by other instructor skydivers:

Note: As with all missions, use the SK command 3000 (or 3001, or 3002) to receive your mission orders as well as the corresponding marker games.

Missions 3000 and 3001 carried out by Ondine at SKKadish:

3000 3001

And mission 3002 carried out by Skydiver Art at SKCity:


It is strongly advised to complete the base missions in SKCity before this one as you will need to use the SKP command to teleport directly to strategic locations.

Happy skydiving!
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Dim 17 Déc, 2023 14:54 PM    Sujet du message:

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Click subtitles (just to the left of the video settings).

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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Lun 08 Jan, 2024 14:51 PM    Sujet du message:

Mission 3003 : Kemo Scenic

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A new mission is offered to you in the MHSS: MSK-3003-Kemo-Scenic.

As its name indicates, this mission (level 5) is carried out at SKKemo and takes place in two parts.
The first will take you into the corridor from the entrance to the Bahro Cave via the exterior wall.
The second will allow you to take a walk along part of the exterior cliff towards the arrival path in the age.
In addition 3 coded markers will be found in 2 parasol trees and above a lamp post.

There are two magical teleport points. The first at the very beginning of the course and the second once you have completed the first part.
I preferred to place the first teleportation point so as not to discourage you from attempting two sequences of combos that are really very difficult and completely random in terms of their success. The goal is to arrive above a large stone not far from the fountain.
It must be said that this mission is inspired by an old marker game from the very early days of Skydiving. At that time, the physical behavior of avatars was not the same as that of today and therefore it was necessary to adapt the mission so that it was achievable with current "physics".

The only big difficulty you will encounter during this mission will be to climb a wall with the staircase technique towards the end of the second course. But with your experience and the help of your instructor, you should get there (after a few tries).

I thank Skydiver Art for having found the original route and submitting it to me in order to integrate it into the Magical High School of Skydiving (MHSS).
Unfortunately neither Art nor I know the author of the original version. If you are the one who initiated this journey I would be happy to know about you, in order to mention your name in the mission order.

Have fun!
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 250
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Dim 03 Mar, 2024 07:55 AM    Sujet du message:

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I noticed that it's been a while since anyone used Magic Skydiver for skydiving. Therefore, I will no longer automatically connect it in the future. The MHSS is therefore on vacation. If you are interested in doing any MHSS missions, ask me here and I will put the bot back into service.
If there are new missions, Magic Skydiver will reopen the doors to the "Magic High School of Skydiving" to allow you to complete them.
Have a great time in the cave!
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