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MagicBot and MimiBot: Magicgames and commands

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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 249
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Mar 16 Avr, 2024 08:19 AM    Sujet du message:

The Wonders' Quest

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Hello to all friends of the magical worlds.
For 3 weeks, I have been working on a new game project: "The Wonders' Quest".
This is a research game, with puzzles to solve and, of course, objects to examine to obtain information on the location of the Wonders.
To help you in your research, you will have a special KI because it will inform you about the distance that separates you from an interesting object to examine. Additionally, a help system will give you useful information for your quest.
The game is not linear. This means you can search in any age and in any order, as long as a bot is in the same age as you.
As usual, your progress will be saved and you can exit and resume the game at any time.
If I decided to put this new game online tomorrow, even though it is far from finished, it is so that you can test it and give me your comments. Depending on your participation and the feedback you give, I will continue to develop it or improve it based on your comments or, quite simply abandon the project if it does not seem to interest you, which will save me from having to long, unnecessary “working” hours.

This is how to play the game:
As usual, you must send your commands to the bots (Magic Bot or Mimi Bot) in private messages (PM). I remind you that the bots must be the same age as you so that they can accept your commands. They will respond to you in the language you have chosen to communicate with them (English or French).

To begin the quest for Wonders, PM: StartW (or STW).
The bot will create your inventory file and save your current wardrobe appearance, before giving you a backpack so you know you're on this adventure.
To quit the game, PM: QuitW (or QW). You will then return to your normal appearance.
To continue the quest, PM: ContinueW (or CW). The bot will put your backpack on you and inform you of your progress.
You can get the status of your progress at any time with the command: InfoW (or IW).

The main command, the one you will use most often, is the one that allows you to search for objects or on a particular object if you are close enough to it.
This command is SearchW (or SW).
When you use this command, the bot tells you if there is anything to look for in the age you are with it. If so, it tells you how far you are from the nearest object.
If you use the SW command in front of a special item, you either receive information regarding the location of a Wonder, or you have found the item that gives you the Wonder. This will be added to your collection in the form of an image in your KI.

The game has a (new) special help system. Here's how it works.

First of all, know that the help command (HAW) must be followed by a code that gives you help related to that code.
For example the HAW hbc command will give you help corresponding to the hbc code.
These codes will be given to you by examining certain objects throughout the game.
Small clarification: the HAW order is completely free! lol!

There are 3 more commands to know:

To start the game from scratch (i.e. delete all your saves), PM: RestartW. Please note, this command is irreversible!
To get a Kimail of the game commands, PM: HelpW (or HW).
To request help from another player who is connected, PM: NeedWHelp (or NWH). The bot will send all buds a request for help from you. If anyone is online and playing "the Wonders' Quest", maybe they can help you.

Here are all the commands for the game.

For the moment, as I told you above, the game is in the testing phase. There are currently 9 wonders to discover. These are found in the following ages: MBHood, MBCity, MBEcana, MBJalak and MBGTP.
If you like the game, other wonders will be discovered later WITHOUT YOU BEING FORCED TO START THE GAME AGAIN!

Send Magicbot or Mimibot (if connected) to one of these ages with the SendBotTo command followed by the name of the destination age. Connect to it with the Meet (or Link) command. PM: Startw (or STW) to start the game and begin your searches with the SearchW (or SW) command. Also use the Helpw (or HW) command to obtain a Kimail listing the game's commands.

And remember: I look forward to your comments.

Dernière édition par Mister Magic le Dim 21 Avr, 2024 07:36 AM; édité 1 fois
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 249
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Sam 20 Avr, 2024 17:23 PM    Sujet du message:

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Changed the help system in the Wonders Quest

A big change has been made in the help system.
Now the HAW command must ALWAYS be followed by a code. For example HAW hcb (don't forget the space between the command and the code).

These codes will be given to you by examining certain objects during your quest. With few exceptions, each code corresponds to help regarding the age in which you are carrying out your searches.
Plus, this help system no longer requires help credit! In other words, they are free and can be repeated as many times as you want!

Another modification, purely aesthetic, was made.

When you touch an interesting object, if it's a wonder, you will throw your arms in the air and if it's just information, your avatar will be amazed.
I remind you that the closer you get to an object, the faster your KI flashes and, less than 2 meters from an objective, a green aura surrounds your avatar.

Good luck with your tests. And thank you for your suggestions!
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 249
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Sam 27 Avr, 2024 14:26 PM    Sujet du message:

The Wonders' Quest Development phase

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The Wonders' Quest: Development phase.

I am very pleased to inform you that testing for the "Wonders'Quest" has revealed no issues so far.
This is why this new game has now entered its continuous development phase. [smilie=works.gif]
What does that mean?
Quite simply, the adventure continues!

To reward you for testing this game, I inform you that three new wonders have been added to the 9 already present during the testing phase.
For those who have already started the quest or who have found the first 9 wonders, they just need to connect to the bot and send the command: Continuew (or, more simply, [b ]CW[/b]).
For all those who would like to start the quest, simply connect to the bot, then send it the command: startw (or STW ).
If you want to get the full list of commands for this game, send the bot the command: Helpw(or HW).

Every week, new wonders will be to discover link, so stay tuned to the announcements made by the bot!

The first of the three new wonders is hidden in MBRelto. The places where the other two are hiding will be revealed to you by the bot during your quest.

Do not hesitate to send me your positive or negative comments and your suggestions. link_001

I wish you a good week in the “Wonders' Quest”. docte
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 249
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Ven 03 Mai, 2024 13:59 PM    Sujet du message:

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THREE new wonders are to be discovered from this Friday, May 3, 2024!

There are therefore, in all, 15 wonders to find.
Others will follow soon.

If you have already started the game or have already found the first 12 wonders, continue the quest with the command CW
Start your searches at MBCity, for the first, at MBHood for the second, and at MBGTP for the third.

For those who wish to start the game "The Quest for Wonders", simply send to Magic Bot (Ki: 27527) or to Mimi Bot (Ki: 71459) in private message (PM) the command: StartW (or STW). To obtain the list of game commands PM: Helpw (or HW).

I wish you a WONDERFUL weekend! 1haha
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 249
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Jeu 09 Mai, 2024 07:49 AM    Sujet du message:

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Wishing everyone a pleasant Ascension holiday.

In order to make you have a good time during this long weekend, I am pleased to inform you that 3 new wonders are being submitted to your research.
The start of this suite is at MBHood .

As usual, if you have already started the game, all you need to do is use the CW command.
For those starting the game, send Magic Bot (Ki 27527) or Mimi Bot (Ki 71459) the command: Startw.

Good Wonders' quest

Dernière édition par Mister Magic le Ven 10 Mai, 2024 06:15 AM; édité 1 fois
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 249
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Ven 10 Mai, 2024 06:13 AM    Sujet du message:

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I apologize for misleading you, but for the last 3 wonders, the departure is not at MBRelto but at MBHood.
My apologies again! 🥴
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 249
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Sam 18 Mai, 2024 06:32 AM    Sujet du message:

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This Saturday, May 18, 3 new wonders are at your disposal!
To start your research go to MBRelto, MBCity and MBSpyphil.

The "Quest for Wonders" currently includes 21 wonders, in all!

As usual, if you have already started the game, simply use the command CW.
For those starting the game, send Magic Bot (Ki 27527) or Mimi Bot (Ki 71459) the command: Startw.

Good fun to those who continue the quest and to those who begin the research!
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 249
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Ven 24 Mai, 2024 07:09 AM    Sujet du message:

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This May 25 3 new wonders will be searched for in the game "The Quest for Wonders". So there are now 24 wonders to discover in all.
Searches begin at MBCity for 2 of them and at MBChisoPreniv for the third.
One has the theme of flowers, especially dedicated to all mothers (based on a scenario idea fromN'Chacka - Thanks to him!).
I wish you a good weekend.
And see you soon for new research!

On the other hand, I am happy to see that some players, including Cornelia, have taken up the game "Hidden Treasures" (put online for the first time in 2017 , reviewed in 2023), another adventure, research and management game.

Happy treasure hunting!
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Mister Magic

Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2008
Messages: 249
Localisation: Belgique

MessagePosté le: Mer 29 Mai, 2024 14:40 PM    Sujet du message:

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I am pleased to inform you that the twenty-fifth and final wonder is at your disposal.
The research begins at MBKirel.

But is this really the end?
In Uru, the ending is never written, as you know.
So, perhaps one day, other wonders will be discovered again!

I would like to thank everyone who participated in this adventure and who collaborated to correct certain bugs.

See you soon for new adventures!
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